Eight-year-old Rashawn Hoosier is always on the go. The son of Jerome and Christie Hoosier, Rashawn is a rising third-grader at Beech Elementary School in Hendersonville. Every day, he approaches both school and outside interests with a passion. Whether participating in team sports or playing video games, Rashawn always gives his best. Despite his interest in recreational activities, Rashawn does not neglect his academic side. He achieved a fourth-grade reading level in the second grade. Below, Rashawn tells us about his five favorite things.
1. Rashawn loves football at all levels, particularly professional football. Like many folks across the country, Rashawn's favorite pro team is the Dallas Cowboys.
2. "I love lots of sports, but I really love baseball. My favorite team is the Boston Red Sox."
3. Rashawn takes his Nintendo Switch video game with him everywhere he goes. His favorite game to play is Mario Odyssey.
4. All active kids love to eat, and Rashawn is no exception. However, instead of going for burgers and fries like a lot of kids his age, Rashawn's favorite food is Panda Express Orange Chicken.
5. "I love to play lots of team sports, but I also love running. I am really fast when I run in short races."