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Floaters: friend or foe?

When to be worried about floaters in your eyes.

Article by Jennifer Blaschke

Photography by Jennifer Blaschke

What is always with you but rarely seen? Floaters! Floaters appear as small, sometimes dark, or clear spots/lines/threads in your vision that are more apparent when looking at the sky or a bright blank background. These small spots tend to drift across your vision and move when you try to look right at them.

Floaters are caused when the jelly-like substance in the back of the eye called the vitreous clumps small cells and proteins, and these clumps cause a shadow on the retina. It is normal to see more floaters with birthdays, however, if you suddenly notice a lot more floaters than normal, flashes of light, or a curtain-like shadow over your vision, this could be a sign of a more serious medical problem like a retinal detachment. If that happens, get to your eye care provider right away!

If your floaters are bothersome or concerning, reach out to your eye doctor for an evaluation.

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