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First United Methodist of Celina

Featured Article


Celina First United Methodist Church With Help From The Community Provides Supplemental Sustenance To Local Families

Article by Niki Carbajal

Photography by Holly Farrow

Originally published in Celina Lifestyle

Food 4 Families at the Celina First United Methodist Church (Celina FUMC) is a church-wide effort to assist local children with food insecurities. Established in 2016 as a Children’s Ministry Mission in an effort to live out Matthew 25:35-40 which charges us to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, and care for the sick, Food 4 Families serves Celina ISD students in kindergarten through eighth grade. The church works in partnership with counselors and administrators to identify students who may experience hunger over school holidays and weekends.

Celina FUMC collects money and food donations from parishioners and service organizations such as Helping Hands of Celina, Celina Fidelis Inter Se Club, and Lovepacs. Salty and sweet snacks, beef jerky, instant oatmeal, protein bars, macaroni and cheese bowls, and pouches of tuna are lovingly packed into bags by volunteers and then given to each school for Friday distribution into student backpacks. The items are meant as a supplement to family meals and act as a bridge until Monday rolls around and breakfast and lunch are readily available at school.  

The need for supplemental sustenance is great. During the 2021-2022 school year, Food 4 Families provided more than 120 take-home bags to Celina ISD students and the ministry has now grown to include Gunter ISD. During the summer of 2022, Celina FUMC recruited students from their Vacation Bible School to participate in sorting and packing food bags and assembled over 450 bags for students. It is a ministry that involves the youngest to the most mature volunteer.

November brings a shift to focus on Angel Tree gifts for Christmas. Student take-home bags include an Angel Tree registration form for their specific sizes, needs, and wishes. Celina FUMC members “adopt” angels by providing students with items on their lists. Family members of Angel Tree students get involved by wrapping and packaging the gifts.

Throughout December and into February, Food 4 Families attempts to replenish the food shelves through food drives hosted at Celina ISD schools. Information regarding specific items needed, timeframes, and drop-off is communicated through the school. However, food and monetary donations are accepted anytime during the year.

Food 4 Families Upcoming Events:

  • 11/9 Thanksgiving dinner at CFUMC
  • 11/13 Angel Tree registration forms due
  • 12/5-12/9 Lykins Elementary Food Drive
  • 1/23-1/27 Celina Primary School Food Drive
  • 2/21-2/27 O’Dell Elementary Food Drive

To donate or volunteer, call 972-382-2655 or visit for more info on current needs.