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Food for wellness

Nutritionist's lifelong love of cooking inspires her to help others stay healthy

Article by Todd Haight

Photography by

Originally published in Troy City Lifestyle

Before you make those tough-to keep New Year’s resolutions, like joining the gym or counting calories, change your relationship with food with the help of the team at the Nutrition Counseling Center (

“We want you to have peace with your body and peace with your food,” says Registered Dietitian Patrizia Jesue, founder of the center, which has offices in Troy and Clarkston.

Many of us start each new year with another list of personal goals that are sometimes heavily influenced by Photoshopped social media and big advertising campaigns. These media messages often leave out the most important goal – health and wellness.

That’s why the team of dietitians at the Nutrition Counseling Center blend the science of nutrition with the art of therapy. Inspired results often follow.

“It’s not something we’re able to overcome in one or two sessions. It’s a journey. But I find my clients learn to trust me because I live my life this way, too. I have a healthy relationship with food, so they see it can be done.”

In fact, holidays smell like lasagna, sausage and peppers to Patrizia. Her strong Italian roots (her parents were born in Italy) mean family gatherings are celebrated with home-cooked meals made from generational recipes.

“When I cook, it brings me joy to see people eat,” she says. “It’s my passion to help people discover enjoyment and pleasure from food. After all, we have to eat every day for the rest of our lives.”

With clients, she begins by helping them see the barriers they may have with food and understand how it impacts their values in life.

“Nutrition is holistic. It doesn't have a one-size-fits-all definition. We work together in a way that aligns all your recovery goals, which we will come up with collaboratively.”

She also supports clients by eating together in the office.

“As we build trust, yes, I eat with patients right in the office. Soon, they see that food is safe, it’s not going to harm them, and they realize they can have a healthy relationship, too.”

Her family is sports-centered, so the nutritional needs of athletes are addressed through the Intuitive Movement & Personal Training program.

“The intuitive movement program is designed for all fitness levels, and it's ideal for athletes in recovery, who are trying to integrate back into their sport,” she says. “Meeting with our specialized personal trainer gives you the opportunity to experience a fun, enjoyable and body positive encounter that will improve your strength, agility and balance.”

Patrizia’s passion for food and her love for people keep her encouraged through counseling sessions where clients often reveal their deepest pains and fears related to food, family and life. She strives to help others make healthy transformations, teaching fearless enjoyment, worthiness and Photoshop-free lives.

Join one of her 2024 groups – Intuitive Eating Workshop and The Anti-Diet Revolution – or contact Patrizia for private counseling at (248) 686-0340.


Nutrition counseling in two easy steps

First is the initial evaluation, a comprehensive session that gives you an opportunity to meet with your dietitian and share your story. This time will be centered around taking a detailed history of your relationship with food. This thorough yet safe process helps build the foundation for reaching goals in future sessions. You will also have an opportunity to learn about your dietitian and make sure it is a good fit for you.

Second, follow-up sessions take place on a regularly scheduled basis – weekly, every other week or monthly. These are designed to start addressing the goals that were brought up in the initial comprehensive session. The goal over time is to reduce the frequency of these sessions as you move forward on your journey.