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For the love of arts and roses

Broken Arrow knows how to party

Friday, September 30 through Sunday, October 2 the “Festival of Festivals” in Broken Arrow combines the 10th anniversary of the Rose District, “Chalk It Up!” an Art Festival, and the 8th annual Broken Arrow Rose Festival. All Events are free to the public.

Galea Albano of Keep Broken Arrow Beautiful points out, “Shortly after Broken Arrow was formed in 1902, a tradition began of planting roses at homes and along city streets. This year’s celebration brings together the best of our tradition, the success of The Rose district, the arts, and caring for our environment.”

Beginning Friday at 5 p.m. enjoy rose, Monarch, pollinator and habitat booths, artist booths, market vendors, food trucks, free rose bracelets, a kid zone, and chalk artists on Main Street from Commercial to Fort Worth. Bring your roses, as many as you like, and your friend’s and neighbor’s roses to enter under their names. No need to know the name or type of rose. Vases will be provided for single roses. Your roses must be grown in your yard, not bought at a store. The evening culminates at 8 p.m. with the Inspyral Circus light show.

Saturday events run from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. with food trucks, an art exhibit at Arts@302, and the Rose Show. The Rose District Farmers Market will also be open. Chalk art and the Kid’s Zone crafts continue with kite decorating and Inspyral Circus Street Performers with a stilt-walking Rose Prince and Princess. Rose Show winners are announced at 1 p.m. with chalk artist winners at 4 p.m.

On Sunday, October 2, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. the Rose Festival moves to the Event Park, 21101 E 101st, for Rose Kites Over Broken Arrow. Tulsa Wind Riders and Kite Artists fly their largest kites and free kites will be available to fly.

Keep Broken Arrow Beautiful (KBAB) co-sponsored the second biannual Trash Bash and Recycling Rally on April 9, 2022, and cleaned up over 3 tons of waste. Broken Arrow residents dropped off 12.5 tons of items for recycling.

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