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Photos by Jesse James Thompson

Featured Article

From Cattle Ranching to the Vintage Clothing Runway

Greeley Native Launches New York Clothing Showroom

Article by Susan McKenzie

Photography by Provided

Originally published in Greeley Lifestyle

Greeley native, Grace “Chandler” Guttersen is the 4th generation to be a part of her family’s cattle ranch. Now a New Yorker running her own vintage clothing showroom called Vintage Grace, she’s reflecting on all the experiences she had in her hometown that helped shape her into the successful businesswoman she is today. “My childhood was so different compared to your typical New Yorker,” she laughed. “My friends are always surprised and confused when I tell them I grew up with cows,” Chandler said she lived and breathed the family ranch until she was about 15 when she moved to live with her mom in Texas. “My childhood was through the lens of the front seat of my dad’s truck. I was his right hand, getting tools for him while he was fixing a fence, helping with brandings, moving the cows from pastures…”

That upbringing gave her a very different perspective than a lot of young kids typically experience. “My parents were protective. They wouldn’t even let me go to the movies with my friends which I hated at the time, but I became very connected with my family and with nature and that’s how I live my life today.” Chandler says family always comes first, and life on the ranch has made her appreciate the hustle and bustle of running her New York-based business. “It’s cool that at any moment, I can go home and be a part of that calm and peaceful environment and then come back to New York and appreciate the culture and the grind and diversity.” 

Chandler went to Platte Valley Elementary and Middle School in Kersey from kindergarten to 8th grade, when she started feeling like she didn’t fit in. “I found myself caring a lot about clothes and fashion which was not what other kids cared about. I didn’t have a lot of friends.” She was given the opportunity to go live with her mom in Texas and attend a better high school. “It was a lot for a 14-year-old to digest. I felt like I was betraying my family but that’s where I was able to be with people that had similar interests.” After graduation, she attended Texas Christian University in Fort Worth where she was able to complete an internship in New York as a junior and knew she’d be back. She officially made the move to New York in 2016. “It was very humbling when I moved. I didn’t know anyone and I didn’t have a job which was not a good idea…I thought I’d made a mistake.” After a plethora of applications and only one interview, she ended up meeting with a fashion recruiter that got her a job at Gucci where she helped with HR tasks. “I was dealing with high-level executives all day at only 22, and that helped me develop a lot of skills…that’s when I really got addicted to the grind and hustle.” Her job at Gucci opened up the door to sister company, Bottega Veneta, and eventually a tech fashion startup that was basically a Spotify but for shopping. Everything came to a halt when Covid started. “My grandparents got sick so I quit my job and helped them for a year. It was the first time I had truly been home as an adult and immersed into Greeley and the simple life.” Following a career reevaluation during this time, Chandler decided to start her own company, and thus, Vintage Grace was born. 

Vintage Grace is a clothing showroom that has an archive of over 300 pieces from the late 1800’s to the 2010’s and is focused on women’s clothing pieces. The collection has been carefully curated, housing only pieces that have maintained their beauty, charm, and state from their previous life until now. Pieces can seamlessly become staple parts of anyone’s modern day wardrobe. “I’m so passionate about the construction of clothing. Each one of the collections was released on the runway by a creative director, and it’s like an art show to me.” Chandler expressed the amount of care she has for every piece in her collection, stating that she would wear every single item. “I want to hand each piece of clothing off to people that care about them like I do.” She attributes the idea for Vintage Grace to her parents and grandmother. “My mom especially has always done an amazing job of preserving her clothes, and she always shares pieces of special clothing with me and taught me about investing in one piece of clothing versus buying twenty pieces for the same price.” Chandler reminisced how clothing was always a focus in her family, so it’s only natural that she ended up in the fashion industry. “I was expected to dress up when we flew on an airplane or went into town for dinner. My family always took it very seriously.” 

Life in Greeley has given Chandler a really unique background, especially for a New Yorker in the fashion industry. “I love to tell people I grew up on a cattle ranch because it sets me apart from everyone else.” She emphasized how the small community vibe has helped make her into the person she is today. The respect, work ethic, and values she learned in her hometown are something that she takes with her into every aspect of her business. Whether your passion is cattle ranching, the fashion industry, or anything in between, Chandler encourages you to “find your passion, dream big, and take it one step at a time.”

To learn more about Vintage Grace and to see the collection, visit

"My friends are always surprised...when I tell them I grew up with cows.” -Chandler Guttersen