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From Homelessness to Hope

Grace Changes Everything

Shepherd’s House Ministries in Bend has helped hundreds of men and women get back on their feet. Started by a handful of community members in 2005 and providing the most basic of needs to the homeless, it now offers a multifaceted approach to getting people off of the streets and into a loving community where they can get the care and support they need.  “The first stepping point is our emergency shelters,” says Director of Development, David Notari. “It’s a short-term solution, but people start to respond when they see others who care.”

He adds, “One of our key values is everyone has worth and value. No matter if they’re at their lowest point or at their highest point. When we build relationships with the folks who come through our doors, that's when trust begins to build. We also focus on the area of grace. There's no harshness or hardness here - we really just want people to move forward and succeed.” The comprehensive approach of Shepherd’s House Ministries toward healing addresses all aspects of a person's life, from the mental and physical challenges to the spiritual side and everything in between. Programs range from six months to two years and have six phases, and during this time, participants are provided with food, clothing, housing, and a caring community while attending classes on topics such as addiction and recovery and/or health and wellness. They visit mental health counselors, doctors, and dentists.

“We work on job training too, but they don't start working until well into phase four, which could be anywhere from nine months to a year,” says David. “It’s a big commitment.” The last step is moving into what are called extended living graduate houses—places graduates can live in with an affordable contribution.

Shepherd’s House will be expanding its Redmond campus, where they plan to offer many of the same things they’re doing in Bend. David says their success rate is 78% to 85%, which is the inverse of other programs’ success rates of 12% to 18%. To assist with its mission financially or by volunteering, visit the Shepherd’s House Ministries website and watch for its new fundraising campaign coming soon.

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