The Goddard School®, a nationally acclaimed early childhood education franchise, is dedicated to nurturing the extraordinary in every child. With more than 600 schools serving more than 90,000 children across the country, Goddard Schools focus on exploration, learning and social-emotional growth to build the foundation for a remarkable future for each individual child.
The Goddard School of Allen (West), TX, opened the doors of their brand-new state-of-the-art facility in June 2021 to provide families in the Allen community with a warm, caring, and safe environment that supports their child’s individual social, emotional, and academic development. The play-based learning experience offered at The Goddard School uses the most current, academically-endorsed methods in early childhood education to spark a lifelong love of learning through a child’s natural curiosity. Just as importantly, the targeted curriculum focused on social-emotional development teaches children life skills, such as self-management, kindness, collaboration, relationship skills, and social awareness.
Students at The Goddard School experience Life Lesson Library, The Goddard School’s proprietary targeted curriculum built around great works of children’s literature focusing on social and emotional learning. Books featured in Life Lesson Library are carefully curated by early childhood education experts and Goddard teachers, and feature relatable characters and stories used to authentically teach and connect with others.
In addition to an academic approach backed by expert knowledge, data-driven insight and unwavering compassion for growing minds, The Goddard School of Allen (West) places a focus on their enrichment programs, which include yoga, music, sign language, handwriting and Spanish. Additionally, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) is heavily incorporated into their project-based learning by instilling the children’s natural creativity to plan, design, and build.
The Goddard School of Allen (West)’s commitment to providing the best possible start in life for every child comes through in the school environment, teachers and staff. The staff are passionate about early childhood education and are trained in this field to care, nurture, and treat children with respect while having fun. They attract and retain educators who embrace The Goddard School’s approach to early learning and who are committed to their personal and professional growth, where all the Lead Teachers have a degree.
By combining The Goddard School's educational philosophy, the latest age-appropriate equipment and professionally educated staff in an environment specifically designed for early learners, The Goddard School of Allen (West) is providing a best-in-class educational program for children in the community. Learn more at
Letty Gomar, owner of The Goddard School of Allen (West), opened her early childhood education center in 2021 to fulfill her passion for high-quality STEAM-based early childhood education.