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Photo Credit: Orlando Ramirez

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Full Swinging with Joel Dahmen

The PGA Pro Talks Life Love, Fatherhood, Golf, Beating Cancer and Giving Back

Joel Dahmen is known for wearing a floppy hat alongside his sidekick/caddie Geno. He’s also known for beating cancer and crushing his golf game.

We caught up with the guy who says taking life seriously is overrated... and instead values savoring the precious present, along with savoring great food.

What’s your favorite memory from the PGA Tour?

Playing with Tiger is something I’ll never forget.

What are 3 “tricks of the trade” you practice on the green?

Find the low spot on the green; distance > direction; and consistent routine is crucial for everything... and sticking to it.

What initially sparked your love for golf?

My parents. They were passionate about the game.

What were your career aspirations as a kid?

I wanted to be a pro basketball player, but I guess golf will do. We are athletes, too!

You were diagnosed with testicular cancer. What got you through your journey?

The news hit hard, especially since it took my mom and my brother had it as well. But Lona, my wife, was my rock. It put in perspective what I wanted out of life- a marriage and family.

You say you like to share your story. In short, what’s your story?

There were a lot of bad days, a lot of good days, and a lot of days in-between. I’ve been a consistent player on the Tour for six years now. I have won out here. I’m living a dream. Not many kids get this far. I’ve got the best team in the world, and I'm thankful for it. The story is work hard and surround yourself with great people.

Explain “The Hat.”

I partnered with MD Anderson Cancer Center and Travis Mathew to do my part to end cancer. A portion of every hat sale goes directly to the Dahmen Family Foundation.

What do you love best about living in the Valley?

It’s such a good food scene. We’re major foodies and there always seems to be something awesome coming or something we haven’t tried.

Speaking of food, you’re married to a food blogger. What’s your favorite meal Lona makes?

She does a pasta carbonara that is outta this world... it just wins.

Hobbies outside golf?

I enjoy being outside with my wife and son. I’m also getting into pickleball and can see it being my retired sport.

Favorite thing about being a dad...

Oh man... everything! Riggs is such a great baby, and I get to live life through the eyes of a kid again.

Biggest lesson you’ve learned since becoming a dad.

You don’t own your time! Haha.

Biggest challenge of fatherhood... so far.

Having the responsibility of another human.

Fave course you ever played.

Sheep Ranch in Bandon is unreal.

Dream course.

One I design with my buddies.

Hardest course.

The Country Club at Brookline (2022 US OPEN).

Rumor has it you have a superstition never to mark a ball with a quarter... true?

I wouldn’t say I’m SUPERstitious, just a little “stitious.” However, I always keep 3 tees in my pocket.

What was it like being part of “Full Swing” on Netflix?

It was an awesome, life-changing experience. I am thankful they gave me the opportunity to share my story.

What’s something people don’t know about you?

I'm a season ticket holder for the Seattle Kraken. I love hockey and am so bummed the Yotes left even though I’m sure they’ll be back. IG @JoelDahmen

"Life is short. There are many people that are far too serious, and there’s a time for that, but you ultimately must prioritize perspective."