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Garage Space has Climbed the Ladder of Importance When Buying or Upgrading Your Home

Banner Garage can Personalize Any Garage into a Unique, Useable Space

A popular trend is converting the garage into an added living space, showcasing personality and passions. Banner Garage began in 2011 when owner, Ed Jenkins, decided to upgrade his own house and make the garage more like part of his home.

“After searching the local box stores, we did not care for the quality or selection of the garage cabinets we desired. This led us to a garage storage manufacturer that eventually introduced us to Redline Garagegear,” Jenkins says. “We are Redline’s authorized dealer in the Kansas City area and are proud to represent this top-of-the-line garage organization company out of Illinois. We started installing cabinets in the garage, but quickly added epoxy floor coatings, slatwall and overhead racks. Now, we can completely renovate the entire garage for homeowners.”

Jenkins says Banner Garage is unique in the re-modeling realm because they sell and install products that were specifically designed for the garage environment. He says, “We are not trying to take a closet or pantry system and make it work in the garage. Redline’s powder-coated cabinets are mounted on the wall but off the floor and specifically designed for the hot, cold, dry or humid conditions found in this area. Our commercial grade garage floor coatings cannot be purchased in a local box store and have a 10-plus year history of installations in Kansas City. I won’t install anything in a homeowner’s garage that I wouldn’t be proud to have in my own garage. In fact, the majority of the products we provide are in everyday use in my own garage.”

Redline is adding two new grey colors to the existing line to give homeowners four different shades to choose from. Also, power lifts are becoming more affordable and trending upward. These are not car lifts, but platforms or bars that can lift and store items near the ceiling in the garage. For example, you can keep the ladder stored away because with a touch of a button, the lift can be raised or lowered to a comfortable height. 

 “A homeowner’s needs can range from a simple bike rack or an entire garage renovation,” Jenkins says. “One call, one company, can provide you with everything you need to achieve a Banner Garage that you will be proud to show off to your friends and family.”

Visit for more information, or call Ed Jenkins at 913-353-9800.