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Veronica Rodriguez, Graduate of the Genesis Project with her kids Anyssa (17), Aiyanna (14) and Julian (5).

Featured Article

Generating Hope

The Genesis Project’s Three-phase Support for Single Mothers

Article by Kelly Zeillmann

Photography by Photos by Diandra

Originally published in Greeley Lifestyle

The Genesis Project of Northern Colorado helps rehabilitate single mothers and supports them in their pursuit of a new beginning. Women progress through five learning domains—Supportive Relationships, Holistic Health, Economic Self-Sufficiency, Life Skills and Future Hopes—over the course of the five years as they complete the program.

​Jaymi Anderson, the Genesis Project’s Executive Director, explains that one benefit of the Genesis Project is housing, but that’s only the beginning of the program itself. Participating single mothers, and children under 13 staying with them, have a choice from one of six apartments, all located within a multi-family home. The house contains laundry, dining and living rooms, a kitchen, and a backyard with a play structure; these all function as community living spaces for the families in the program. Some mothers are seeking reunification with their children, and one requirement is stable housing—which the Genesis Project provides.

​Beyond housing, the Genesis Project also offers an on-site Resident Adviser for security and emergencies, as well as a Family Advocate, with whom participants meet weekly for guidance. The Genesis Project also assists moms in registering and qualifying for assistance programs. Partner organizations like the Weld Food Bank, Royal Crest Dairy and Wachtel Pork provide food; Double Diamond Crossfit offers gym memberships; and Balance Health gives healthcare advice and education. The program costs $200 per month, which includes an apartment, Genesis classes and those additional resources.

​The Genesis Program is broken into three phases. After passing an initial 90-day stabilization trial and deciding Genesis is the right place for them, mothers begin Phase One: classes. These classes include Career Direction, Crown Financial, Boundaries, Healthy Habits and Trauma-informed Parenting. Staff members evaluate the participants across 20 life domains and use the classes to give mothers skills in each area. Volunteers, many of whom are professionals in their subject matter, teach the classes. Mothers also join the ongoing Roundtables, a values-based leadership curriculum, and the addiction recovery support group. Phase One also offers spiritual counseling through Soul Care. 

​In Phase Two, participants choose to enter either full-time education or full-time work, depending on their Career Direction class from Phase One. Mothers on the education track pursue a degree or certificate to increase their income potential, and they’re supported with career coaching, family advocacy, counseling and money management assistance as needed. After completing their education, participants move out of the Genesis house and into Phase Three. However, participants remain supported in their first year of employment to ensure long-term success.

​The work track is much the same: participants develop a resume and apply for work that provides long-term advancement opportunities and benefits. They are provided the same support as the education participants and move out after one year.

​For individuals interested in volunteering or businesses interested in sponsorship or donations, contact Jaymi Anderson at The Genesis Project can only aid six of the most vulnerable single mothers in the Northern Colorado area at a time, so Jaymi encourages everyone to share their resources and time with the single parents they know. Often, childcare and medical emergencies can compromise their employment, which is in turn made worse by high housing and grocery costs.