In 2022, Showtime debuted the miniseries, "George and Tammy" – a six-part drama based on the book, The Three of Us: Growing Up with Tammy and George written by their own daughter, Georgette Jones. The show depicts the true, heart-wrenching love story between George Jones and Tammy Wynette, also known as Mr. and Mrs. Country Music. The story has
also brought together two people as friends whose paths may have otherwise never crossed.
Singer Georgette Jones is the only child born to George Jones and Tammy Wynette together. Before the days that Georgette would be known as a musical artist herself, she held a front-row seat into the lives of the iconic country music couple. She watched with her own eyes the love and pain, the ups and downs. She lived it. Many people feel like they know the story of
George Jones and Tammy Wynette, and some of them feel like they know it well enough to write books about it, but very few people other than Georgette have anything close to her insight.
While reading one of the many books already written about her mother and father, she felt like the author didn’t know Tammy Wynette at all. “I wanted to be able to tell their true story and tell some more about them as people and not just as artists,” said Georgette. “Although they were certainly known for their music, they were parents and good friends to people, and there was so much more to their lives.”
No stranger to a struggle herself, Abby Glover, the actress who plays the character of Georgette Jones as a young adult in the show, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, when she was just seven years old. Born in Nashville, she and her family had moved to West Tennessee when she received her diagnosis, and she was treated for her cancer at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Full of courage and determination, Abby beat her cancer, and by eight years old, she was performing in plays. When her father’s job finally moved them back to Franklin, Abby enrolled in Franklin High School and spent all her spare time focusing on her acting career. She graduated from FHS in 2016, and by the next year, Abby had
landed the roll of Kai on the ABC comedy, "Kevin (Probably) Saves the World." The doors were wide open from then on including the one to Georgette’s story.
Five months away from being on set, Abby had been cast as Georgette and wanted to dive as deeply as possible into her role. She did a little research on the real Georgette Jones and realized that she was more within reach than she originally thought. At the time, Georgette was living in Spring Hill, the same town that Abby had lived in when she was first born. Abby
decided to reach out to Georgette on social media and was delighted to discover how approachable Georgette was and how welcoming she was into her story about her young life with her parents. They hit it off. “She is a ball of energy – everything about her makes me smile,” said Georgette about Abby. They met for coffee in Nashville, and they talked for more than four hours, Abby recalled. “She was so down to earth and nice and loving. All I cared about was representing her in the best way – that she felt like her truth was being accurately depicted,” said Abby.
The show as a finished project has been very satisfying for Georgette. “It was a very open and honest look at what their relationship was like and what their lives were like at that time. I was very pleased with what they did,” said Georgette. This year, Jessica Chastain won the SAG Award for her performance in the role of Tammy Wynette. Abby’s heartfelt performance can be seen in episode six of the miniseries, and if you keep an eye out, you’ll spot a cameo by Georgette herself as a backup singer on stage behind George and Tammy and on the tour bus with them singing an old Hank Williams Sr. song – one of the Possum’s all-time favorites. As for Georgette and Abby’s friendship, in the words of George and Tammy, they’re gonna hooold on to each other.
“I wanted to be able to tell their true story and tell some more about them as people and not just as artists.” -- Georgette Jones