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Giving Back to Your Dreams

A Jumpstart on 2024 Resolutions

“Start exercising. Stop smoking. Stress less. Save more.” It is not too early to start planning a New Year’s resolution. Whether you're the avid list-maker with big plans for January 1 or the skeptical observer of resolutions that often fizzle out, it's time to consider a fresh approach for a truly remarkable 2024.

Resolutions are defined as a firm commitment to do or not to do something. Unfortunately, for many, New Year's resolutions have become casual commitments to change or quit a habit. However, your resolutions can be a pathway to unlocking your true potential. By aligning your resolutions with your passions and wildest dreams, you can elevate your quality of life, amplify your impact, and boost your happiness.

In the time it takes to scroll social media or find your next Netflix binge, you can craft a resolution plan to make 2024 not just “better than last year” but “absolutely extraordinary.”

Dream Big

Begin by raising your ambition. Rather than revisiting the same old changes, consider the dreams buried within your heart. Eliminate self-imposed boundaries on what’s possible and envision who you want to become. Do you seek more energy, deeper connections, or greater zest for life? Take a few minutes to pour your heart out and journal. Explore what your soul craves, identify what you can leave behind in 2023, and where you can double down in 2024.

Be Specific

Now that you’ve expanded your horizons, create a detailed vision. This planning phase may take some time, but it’s worth it. Identify what you want to create, learn or achieve. Resolutions aren't solely about personal milestones; they can be about making an impact, forging connections, and making a difference. Set clear goals and outcomes that define your mission for the year ahead.

Take Small Steps

Remembering your ultimate goal (your “why”) will keep you on track, even on those days when motivation wanes. Stay disciplined and consistent to develop new habits that are on track with where you're headed. Write down your resolution in mission form, and read it every morning before diving into your day.  

Visualize the next 24 hours and act on a task that advances your mission. Every small decision and action contributes to substantial change. Don't give up even when you falter — shake it off and keep going.

I believe in you, and I'm cheering you on as you embark on this transformative journey. Your resolutions are more than mere promises; they're the path to realizing your dreams and becoming your best self. Start planning now to make 2024 an extraordinary year.

Learn more about building the life you want with certified high-performance coach Melanie Meyer Sommer, at