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Go (to Sleep) With the Flow

Feng Shui Tips for a More Restful Boudoir

Article by Katie Rogers

Photography by Sam Evans, Rhythm Creative

Originally published in Birmingham Lifestyle

We all know those people – the ones whose houses always feel amazing upon entering. Sure, the aesthetics are probably spot-on too — a nice color palette, good lighting, healthy plants, pleasant art — but what you’re experiencing is something beyond what the eye sees. In Feng Shui, this is known as “chi,” which means energy or “life force.”  When the chi is in balance, a space feels welcoming, calming and inspiring — and yes, design plays a huge role. But beyond just a beautiful abode, chi flow can also promote good health, better moods, prosperity and fulfilling relationships.  

When I meet new clients, I first ask them about their life objectives so I can customize the design of the space to their lifestyle and personal taste. This is highly important, as the client is the one living there. You can imagine that in times of COVID-19, health is also high on the list of priorities for most people.   

Interestingly, in Feng Shui, bedrooms are considered the most important rooms when it comes to health. Why? Because the ancient Chinese believed sleep is the number-one key to great health. If the bedroom is set up according to Feng Shui principles, it will cultivate a positive, flowing chi, and therefore, the inhabitant will experience deep sleep, along with other benefits.

Here is what I recommend for a more Feng Shui bedroom. 

Do consider the position of the bed. 
In Feng Shui, one should have a view of the door to the room when lying in bed, even if it’s peripherally. This way, the limbic brain can take a bit of a break, knowing that if a threat were to enter the door, you would be able to see it approaching.  

Do consider what colors you’re using in the bedroom. 
Colors set a mood. I like to say that paint is a “magic wand” for a space. If sleep is an issue, consider your color palette. Think soft and quiet. Blues and grounding neutrals are great options.

Do have a bed you love, preferably with a headboard. 
Natural fibers, such as linen and cotton, assist a good night’s sleep. In Feng Shui, a headboard represents support, so be sure you have a sturdy one.  Also, if you’re ending an intimate partnership, consider purchasing a new bed to allow a clean slate for potential new relationships.  

Don’t have clutter under the bed.  
I’ve seen everything from sports equipment to taxes to children’s artwork stuffed under there. Every item holds energy, and in our vulnerable sleep state, we want to allow chi to circulate. I urge you to find another place to store items besides under your bed. 

Don’t have a TV in the bedroom.  
Too many electrical items in a bedroom can be disruptive to sleep and to partner intimacy. Privacy is paramount, and a TV can break the spell of intimacy in two ways: it represents inviting strangers into the room, and it can become a habit to turn attention to the screen rather than the person beside you. If you or your spouse feel resistant to this Feng Shui suggestion (which I see often), try taking the TV out of the room for 27 days. I’ve had couples thank me for saving their love life!    

Don’t have mirrors in the bedroom.  
This may sound extreme to some of you who love your antique vanities, but this is a time-tested ancient Feng Shui no-no. Mirrors are powerful, and bedrooms need to achieve calm. If you have a mirror in your bedroom and can see yourself while lying in bed, try covering it for nine nights to experience the difference in the quality of your sleep. 


In short, if it feels good, it’s likely to be good Feng Shui, but don’t let your mind trick you. People often get used to something being a certain way without recognizing the negative effects it could be having. Take steps to cultivate some positive chi in your space, and you’ll see what a difference it can make. Take care of your home, and you’re taking care of your health.

Author Katie Rogers is a certified Feng Shui expert and founder of the Wind Horse School of Feng Shui and 9-month Feng Shui Odyssey, a personal transformation life coaching program. She takes interior design clients on a rolling basis and welcomes your inquiry. Sign up for her newsletter at, and read about the Odyssey at   

  • Katie Rogers
  • Artwork by local artist, Lorri Hanna, is a reminder of special travel memories
  • artwork by Kim Fonder, represented by Design Supply