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Going Green with JCA

JCA Insurance shifted to more "green" benefitting the planet and their clients.

Deciding to “go green” in your office or home might seem daunting, but did you know that, according to an international survey, more than 80% of people respect companies or brands that adopt eco-friendly practices,? From small businesses to large corporations, embracing a range of eco-friendly to net-zero waste practices offers benefits for consumers, employees, and, yes, even the bottom line.

John Crawley, owner of JCA Insurance Services in Anaheim Hills, wanted to provide an opportunity to create an environmentally friendly office, but also to streamline their work and increase the service they could provide to clients. So, he decided to take the office green a few years back, but it didn’t exactly happen overnight.

JCA is an Independent Insurance Agency located in our community that helps clients from all over Southern California. They monitor the marketplace and aim to give their clients the best protection and pricing from a variety of different insurance providers. Working with so many clients and companies made the task of going green that much more challenging. The team had their work cut out for them as they began the process of moving over to e-signatures, e-payments, digital printing, and more. But the effort was worth it as they began to see how going green would not just benefit the planet, it was good for business too!

One of the biggest benefits the JCA team has found by going green is having a smaller office footprint. Now that they’ve digitized their records, they don’t need as much space around the office as everything can be accessed safely via the cloud. Security is a big deal at JCA,  so John and his team wanted to ensure that everything was stored in a safe and secure manner.

JCA also takes pride in being all about family, their own, and their clients too. The ability to prioritize home life by quickly becoming a “mobile office” when Covid hit last year has really been extremely beneficial in allowing for added flexibility when it was needed most. By being a green and mobile office, the team has been able to prioritize their clients by having everything accessible via the cloud while, at the same time, prioritizing their families.

Being green also allowed JCA to build a new app that helped streamline and simplify things for their clients. Clients can now access just about everything they need via an app. This includes policy information and insurance ID cards, the ability to file a claim, save their inventory, and even contact John and the team!

Not sure if you are ready to go green in your office? John’s advice is just to put one foot in front of the other and start the work. It might seem like a daunting task, but the benefits of going green far outweigh the work.

“Actions have consequences, especially no action,” John says. Not updating the office into a “green” office would have made the last year difficult, but by going green they were open to many more opportunities to help their clients. Because they’ve reduced their footprint and moved virtually everything online, they were able to quickly convert to working from home and serving their clients safely and efficiently while helping reduce their imprint on the planet overall. A win for the team, a win for clients, and a win for the environment!

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