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Good Bones Are Always In Style

A Look Into A Cable Custom Homes Remodel

Sometimes a dream home does not start out looking very dreamy. The wear and tear of the decades are obvious, and the rooms are smothered in trends that have not been in style for 50 years. Most buyers would pass on a fixer-upper of this magnitude, but Cable Custom Homes owner Kent Cable sees the beauty through the overhaul. 

“I like big renovation projects because there are no two alike,” he said. “You are really starting from scratch each time.” 

Starting from scratch sometimes means stripping a house down to its bones so it can be updated to brand new. It takes five to six months to complete a whole house renovation from the day Cable and his crew begin demolition to when the house is “move in ready,” significantly less time than a new construction home. 

With an education in construction and real estate backed by 30 years of experience including management consulting, Cable built a foundation for a successful real estate investment business before that thought ever existed. Now, that business has grown into making the dreams of homeowners a reality with jaw-dropping transformations one would have to see to believe. 

“It’s kind of a different blend, but I can take a lot of my consulting experience working with clients and weave that into my business,” he said. “There is a lot of problem solving. You have to be creative in how you do that.” 

Cable emphasizes the key to managing a home renovation is good communication with all of the people involved – the homeowner, the suppliers and his trusted team of subcontractors. It is also the key to managing problems. 

“I’ve learned that you don’t bring the client a problem, you bring them solutions,” he said. “Even though I don't own this house, I still manage it like it’s mine. I understand how costs can run up. That’s why I am transparent with the cost.” 

Keeping the stress levels low and the process smooth for the homeowner is incredibly important to Cable. From start to finish, he helps guide his clients through the process, often going with them to look at several homes before they decide on which one will be theirs. 

“Home buying is an emotional process for the homeowner,” he said. “They are often building their final dream home. They have certain checklists of what they want in the house.” 

Thankfully, Cable is not intimidated by checklists. One of his first projects was a house in Fairway, Kansas built in the 1950s. The family was overjoyed to find every single item on their list completed with no corners cut. 

“They’ve told me more than once, ‘We got everything.’ It was through the process of listening, understanding and bringing in the right resources that made it happen. My job is to coordinate and bring that together.” 

Learn more about working with Cable Custom Homes and view a complete portfolio of transformations by visiting their website:

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