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Featured Article

Gorgeous and Inviting

Interior Design Secrets for Your Home

Article by Kari Tumminia

Photography by Jayne Toohey, Francesco Iacona Photography, Tainah Rosu Photography, Jayme Montgomery

Originally published in Media City Lifestyle

Lauren believes that the journey to a home you love is one worth taking. To help you, we asked her a few of our most pressing design questions.

Media resident Lauren Mink has been a nurse for 13 years and then founded the interior design and styling company, Providence Home and Design.

Should I look for inspiration?

Yes! Use resources like Pinterest and Architectural Digest to find what you love. Pictures help you say “yes” or “no” with confidence. Don’t be afraid of what you like!

Are trends important?

Following trends can make your home feel current, but limit them to decor items like pillows and art. Stick with timeless classics for items for furniture.

How do I know what to purchase? 

Start with a list of the furniture you need, This creates the foundation for everything else. To choose the best pieces, ask: What do I love? What is my budget? How will this be used and who will use it? 

Where do I start? 

Focus on one room at a time – seeing a space transform is motivating– and prioritize the rooms you spend the most time in.

Do I need a designer? 

Designers are helpful because we have more resources, suppliers, and options than the average person. We work to find the best solutions possible for your budget and your home.

Want more insight? Lauren shares her passion for elevating spaces through a variety of services, including her room refresh, e-design, and full design services. Find her at

Lauren’s Top 5 Interior Design Secrets for Creating Gorgeous & Inviting Spaces

1. Pare down what you have

Many homeowners make the mistake of having too many things in their spaces. Simplify by choosing things you love and work the best in your space. Donate the rest, and never keep anything you don’t love out of guilt. 

Tip: Rotate your favorite pieces in and out, either from room to room or from storage to room to keep things fresh.

2. Mix the old and the new

Mixing old and heirloom pieces with newer items helps your home decor look and feel intentional. Experiment with how family pieces, vintage finds, and new items work together– you’ll be surprised at the beautiful combinations you can create!

Tip: Purchasing new items for your space can make your home feel like a catalog. Instead, find pieces from a variety of sources that you love for a completely custom feel. 

3. Thrift wood, splurge on upholstery

Classic, big-ticket pieces made from wood can often be found in vintage and consignment shops. They’re designed to stand the test of time. Saving money by thrifting wood furniture will help you stretch your budget and splurge on upholstery pieces, which should be purchased new.

Tip: Consider how furniture will be used and who will be using it. Make sure your purchases are a practical fit for your needs as much as they are beautiful additions to your space.  

4. Pay attention to scale

In interior design, what you buy is just as important as what size you buy. Furniture, rugs, and window treatments can maximize the look and feel of your room or prevent you from creating something that is both functional and gorgeous. How your large items fit creates the foundation for everything else.

Tip: Large furniture and oversized rugs can define spaces and add intimacy to a big room. Smaller pieces and decor items can be combined to create a more balanced feel.

5. Less is more

When decorating a room, start with nothing and add things one at a time, stopping when it feels complete. Prioritize filling your space intentionally. Add new items because they’re truly the right fit and opt for fewer, larger pieces over many small pieces when possible.

Tip: For a less cluttered look, consider putting surface items on a tray to create a defined, purposeful space. For display shelves, group similar items together for a clean flow.

Above all else, remember, the right solutions for your home decor are those that reflect what makes you happiest to live in your home!

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