As Bethlehem Inn’s executive director since 2010, Gwenn Wysling has guided the nonprofit from its beginnings as a small shelter in a motel to its new expanded campus with 112 individual beds and 10 family units. “The greatest remedy for suffering is gratitude,” says Gwenn. As a personal practice, she records the things she is grateful for in a book, and the list is long. “Gratitude helps me focus on what I have, not what I want or don’t have,” she says. Five things on Gwenn’s gratitude list:
“The essentials of happiness—freedom, a smile, purpose, and being able to share that with others.”
“A loving community where I live, work and play with gusto.”
“Friends, family and people in my life, especially the wonderful partner that I have spent more than half my life with.”
“Working in a caring organization with people (staff, volunteers, residents and supporters) who understand the importance of service and giving back.”
“I am grateful for a spiritual force of good in our world that helps us overcome difficulties, challenges, hurts and losses like those we have seen this year and over our lives and helps us to build a sense of resilience in our hearts and in our world.”