Growing an indoor kitchen herb garden is not only fun, it has multiple benefits. When set up and properly maintained, these “micro farms” provide us with year-round, fresh ingredients for our favorite meals and beverages. Fresh and dried herbs can also be used in household and body products and enhance the overall look and fragrance of the home. Whether it’s a simple kitchen window garden with a few potted plants or on a full wall of shelves, a kitchen herb garden is the handiest, most economical way to access fresh herbs fast.
Depending on what you plan to grow, location, materials and maintenance are everything. When planning the details of an indoor garden, begin by picking a location where there’s either a lot of direct sunshine or a place where it’s easy to hang artificial light. Do some research on what each herb needs to survive and thrive. As with some other plants and flowers, each one is incredibly unique and has its own special needs and temperament. With the right location, materials and routine, many outdoor herbs can safely be moved and maintained inside.
Porous Pots with Drainage Holes on Bottom
Proper Soil
Labels for Different Herbs
Artificial LED Lighting (if natural light isn’t available)
Herb Enrichment Products (fertilizer, plant vitamins, hormones)
With correct watering, organic fertilizer, soil, and a lot of light, several different types of basil can thrive indoors. Best grown in the summer months, basil is used in all types of cooking, can be used in home and body products and is great for cocktails!
Place chives in a south-facing window or a spot that receives at least six hours of natural light. Keep the soil moist by watering frequently and making sure there is proper drainage. Fresh chives are a tasty ingredient in both cold and hot dishes and are a beautiful aesthetic to any kitchen.
The secret to growing rosemary indoors is using the correct soil, a porous pot with plenty of drainage, like a terracotta pot, a ton of sunlight and daily check ins. Only water rosemary when soil is completely dry and give it lots of room to spread its branches out. When strictly maintained, rosemary is a delicious ingredient in seasonal food and beverages and an eye pleasing decoration for the home.