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Container Gardens: Growing Food in Small Spaces

The sustainable summer bounty of your dreams is easier than you think

Want an easy, sustainable garden this year? Container gardens are the perfect way to get fresh vegetables and herbs with a minimum of fuss. 

Growing your own food in containers around your yard and patios can be fool-proof if you follow a few simple rules. 

You can grow plants in just about anything, as long as it has good drainage. And you don’t have to worry about what kind of sunlight your property gets because you can move containers anywhere you want. 

There are countless container vegetable options, says Chris Bassette, of Killam & Bassette Farmstead at 1098 Main St. 

Tomatoes are one of the most popular choices for a potted vegetable garden, just stick with ones that are more bushy and require less staking, Chris says.  

“You have to make sure you have a tomato that’s made for containers. You get a better production out of something that’s a patio tomato. Cherry or grape tomatoes and plum tomatoes are good for container gardening.” 

Other good vegetables for containers? 

“A lot of people do a mix of lettuces, they grow very well in pots, and herbs are really good, too. Cucumbers and squashes, as long as they are hanging over a balcony or deck, and have room to hang, a lot of them do very well once they’re established.”

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