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Designing space with your family and lifestyle in mind

Article by Aaron Michelle Platt-Baker/Robert Platt

Photography by Janet Howard

Originally published in Chamblee City Lifestyle

In recent years, most have heard the phrase “aging in place.” I suppose if anyone stands still long enough, you’re doing just that, like being in line at the DMV. However, this phrase has generally been targeted toward Boomers, of which I am a member. It was meant to capitalize on a large segment of the population with resources and in the autumn (so to speak) of our lives. It was, and is, meant to address the barriers that exist in our homes and become more evident as we age. Specifically, as we experience the decline of our physical abilities. It often starts when we find that our stairs became steeper when we weren’t looking. All of this is so true and will become of greater import to all generations in time. As designers, we get it, and we have a plethora of well-developed solutions. Fear not! However, that is not our focus today.

Today we wish to shed light on the greatest challenge to the American dwelling throughout history… children! (Insert dramatic music here). Science has uncovered the secret of how they happen. Storks. Who knew!? Children present an overwhelming challenge. With reckless abandon, they change daily before our very eyes! For God’s sake, it’s like chasing a chicken! I tried the whole thing about pushing down on their heads every morning. It doesn’t work and just annoys them. Oh sure, they’re cute and cuddly in the beginning, and all you need is a glorified closet called a nursery. But then
they develop voracious appetites and need more room and bigger furniture (and shoes), and then they want stuff and make friends and where does it stop, I ask!? College.

Between now and then, don’t turn to alcohol (well maybe wine). What you need is an experienced home designer, preferably with children. Trust me, we’re great listeners and actually have remarkable solutions. There is hope for the amazing shrinking house. Really! Just ask us.

Trust me, we’re great listeners and actually have remarkable solutions. Robert and Aaron Michelle, Habitations

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