Want to reduce stress, boost your immune system, and support our planet at the same time? It can be as simple as putting your hands in the dirt. Gardening has been proven, time and time again, to have a profoundly impactful effect on the human nervous system, but more recently, the immune system as well. The National Institute of Health found that direct skin-to-soil contact immediately increases the diversity of what is called the ‘microbiota’ of the skin. This diversifying contact inspires a powerfully beneficial reaction in our body’s immune system while simultaneously triggering the brain to release serotonin.
But beyond the instant immune boost and natural dose of joy, gardening has another profound benefit for our planet and the pollinators that maintain our food supply. “Gardening is one of the most accessible and effective ways we can make positive impacts,” shared Annie Ford, Gardener at Edwards Greenhouse. “Supporting birds and insects, and growing fruits and vegetables, makes a big difference on an individual level, but the cumulative effect of many people doing these things has the potential to make widespread, meaningful change for the better.”
Whether you have a massive in-ground garden, are container planting, or landscaping for aesthetics, it is important to consider local options whenever possible. “Native plants thrive more easily with fewer amendments and sometimes less water. They support local insect and bird populations, and encourage a balanced ecosystem of predators, prey, and pollinators,” explained Robb Smith, Edwards’ Perennials Manager. Some of his recommendations include Penstemons, Rubber Rabbitbush, and Cusick's Giant Hyssop.
Like many of us, Alyson Burleigh’s fascination with plants began when she was a child. “My mom was really into houseplants and gardening, so many Saturdays were spent perusing the local garden centers and nurseries. Some of my fondest memories involve playing in the fountains and getting lost among the plants at the now defunct Union Farm and Garden Store.”
Burleigh, who has been the General Manager of the North End Organic Nursery for 14 years, is also an advocate for planting as native as possible to help support our local environment. Not to mention they just tend to grow a lot better! “They are acclimated to our climate, so they are so much heartier than say a fragile Hydrangea!” Burleigh said. “Native plants also tend to be more drought tolerant, and they are visually appealing.” For native recommendations, Burleigh is also a fan of Penstemons but additionally suggests Globemallow, Blue Eyed Grass, Blue Elderberry, and Yarrow.
She offers some advice for planters of all styles as they prepare for the spring season. “Common mistakes I see are planting things that are not suitable for our area. It might be tempting to buy something from a big box store because it’s cheaper, but a lot of those plants have been grown in warmer climates then shipped up here, where they are suddenly thrown into our harsh winters and scalding summers this is a recipe for disaster. Also, customers really need to read the labels and ask questions! Make sure if it is a sun loving plant it doesn’t get planted in the shade or vice versa. It is imperative that you give your plants the right conditions for them to thrive.”
March is a great time to kickstart your lawn health with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer and our expert gardeners would suggest waiting until mid-April or later to start your spring cleanup. “Beneficial pollinator insects are sheltering in all that debris until they come out of torpor. The insect larvae that winter beneath the leaves are also a critical food source for the baby birds that will be hatching in spring,” said Ford.
As winter’s chill begins to recede, it’s time to start your research and garden preparations. And this year, try to focus on the mutual benefit that gardening has for both you and your natural environment. Plant native and plant abundantly!
Gardening nourishes the soul and planet, boosting our immune system, reducing stress, and creating a thriving ecosystem for pollinators and native wildlife.