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Happy Holidays From Our Homes to Yours

The holidays for us are usually a chance to recharge and reflect. We are so busy all year long with events, travel and work, that for the most part we stick around Atlanta for the holidays. Gift exchanges, holiday parties, relatives and relaxing by the fireplace are always part of the holidays.   

Rick Limpert, Social Media Manager

We are taking the family and joining friends in Destin, Florida- our home away-from-home, to celebrate and share all that we are thankful for over this last year.  While there we will be joining with others to prepare and serve a few hot meals to those who are still trying recover from Hurricane Michael. 

Darce Richardson, Senior Marketing Coordinator and Jim Newman, Publisher

This holiday season will be a very exciting season for my family as we recently welcomed two beautiful granddaughters into our lives. Watching both our daughters with their little ones who are only 10 weeks apart is all that is needed this year.  This year brings excitement and joy as we are blessed and thankful for our blessings. 

Grisel Shtaida, Account Executive

This holiday I will be enjoying with my family and wonderful fiancé. We have a little romantic cruise planned, as a holiday gift to ourselves. But because my Mom has been in poor health, plan to visit with her and my Dad, as well. 

Karyn Slovin, Senior Account Manager

The in-laws are coming! My brother-in-law and sister-in-law and their two dogs and nearly 20-year old cat will join us. There will be dominoes, lots of red meat and a few hikes to clear our heads.

Sue G. Collins, Editor

I will be spending the holidays here in Atlanta with my family.

Jenny Kepano, Account Executive