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Liz Gibbons - 2023 Citizen of the Year

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Have You Met Liz?

Mike Gibbons reflects on his wife's enthusiasm for serving a community true to its past while envisioning a healthy future.

I didn't know Liz had decided to run for city council. I knew she was thinking about it, but I didn't know it was official until dinner with friends on New Year's Eve 2019 when she said she had decided to run. I said, "Really? I didn't know that." But I wasn't surprised. Liz began getting involved with civic and community organizations at Kirkwood High School. Liz never intended to go into public office; however, in 2020, she felt strongly about creating healthy streets, development, and community. She knew if she genuinely cared about those things, she'd have to run for city council.

I've known city council members for over 40 years, and there have been a lot of good ones. But Liz is the best I've ever seen, including myself. She has a natural and infectious enthusiasm. People enjoy being around her; they want to include her in their projects and get involved in hers. That's how we met.

When I ran for city council in January of 1986, my campaign looked for someone in every neighborhood to go with me to knock on doors and introduce me to their friends and neighbors. A friend suggested I ask Liz to help on Orchard Lane where she grew up. I didn't know who she was, but after spending one day with her, I knew I wanted to see her again. I was afraid to ask her out, so I told her I needed to return to Orchard Lane again, even though I really didn't. I wanted to figure out a way to keep seeing her. I knew she was a runner, so that summer I decided to take up running, hoping I'd cross her path. I ran all over Kirkwood for about two weeks, and luckily one morning I "ran into her." We started running together, and a couple of months later, I got up the courage to ask her out.

In many ways, I'm still watching her run. I watched Liz work tirelessly with former State Senator David Pearce from Warrensburg and the director of Tourism and Economic Development for the City of Herman, Tammy Bruckerhoff, to restore funding from the Missouri state legislature for a second daily Amtrak train allowing people to travel from Kirkwood to Kansas City effectively. While she faced challenges, the one thing she knew for sure was that if she didn't try, nothing was going to change. On her own initiative, she sought funds through the ARPA dollars that Missouri received. The Legislature appropriated $2.5 million to match the money raised locally to fully fund the needed renovations to our historic train station.

Liz reminds me of my grandmother, who was naturally able to get people involved in projects and enjoy them even if they didn't want to do them at first. She is particularly effective because she is involved with multiple local organizations, which helps her connect people together for a better future. This gift is critical to a tight-knit small town. Liz being honored as 2023 Citizen of the Year by the Kirkwood - Des Peres Chamber of Commerce is a tribute to how much can be accomplished when conversations start with a vibrant smile.

Liz is particularly effective because she is involved with multiple local organizations, which helps her connect people together and work toward a better future. This gift is critical to a tight-knit small town.