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Featured Article

Healthy, Fast and Fresh

An Easy Dip for Any Season and Every Lifestyle

Article by Carly Tamborski

Photography by Stephanie Meinberg

Originally published in Loveland Lifestyle

Hidden gems? That’s what The Veg Head is packed with, inspired by owner Mark Metcalfe’s childhood and family antiques—think rare fishing lures, vintage ovens, heirloom toys, more. And while his menu is widely popular among modern vegans and vegetarians, “hidden gem” is exactly what The Veg Head is, because it’s perfect for carnivores, too. His kitchen has two separate grills—one for vegetarian food, one for meat, so there’s no cross-contamination.

In 2006, Mark saw the need for more diverse restaurant menus—and different meals for his family.

“My daughter didn’t eat meat so I was having to cook two meals all the time—I figured if I’m in this situation, then other families are, too, so we opened The Veg Head as a healthy alternative that tastes good.”

Mark’s won dozens of awards for Best Wrap, Best Vegetarian Restaurant, Cleanest Kitchen, Heart Health, and has even been recognized by the Ohio Senate for his entrepreneurship and efforts in recycling. 

Still successful nearly two decades later, Mark now also delivers his fare to local schools, cafes and restaurants. His most popular item? The hummus wrap.

“Hummus is very simple, quick and easy. This is a basic recipe anyone can make. Don’t like sesame seed butter? Cut it in half. Don’t like garlic? Leave it out. You can add pine nuts, roasted peppers, avocados—anything to make it your own.”

Chef Mark’s Classic Hummus

1 15-oz. can chickpeas
Juice of 1 lemon
1¼ cup sesame seed butter
1 garlic clove
½ tsp cumin
Pinch of paprika
Salt to taste
2–3 tbsp water

With a food processor running, add ingredients one at a time and mix until well blended, 1 to 2 minutes. For smoother hummus, add 1 or 2 more tbsp of water, mix again. | 920 Loveland Madeira Rd, Loveland | 513.697.7090