January is my favorite time of year: a time to embark on new opportunities and forget the past. It is a chance to transform lives. I help people shift their thinking then apply practical steps that create life-change. I teach them to make health a lifestyle, not just a short-term goal. I coach them on how to go beyond new year's resolutions to feeling great until their final day. I help them level up nutrition and movement patterns to reach maximum potential and fulfill their mission.
Healthy nutrition and fitness can help you fulfill your overarching goals in life, not only physically but also professionally. Proper nutrition enhances quality of life. It stabilizes your nervous system, allowing you to see through a clear lens. Nutrition balances your hormones and gives you strength to endure whatever physical demands the day brings.
Exercise is the catalyst for dramatic change in your body. Cardio improves cardiovascular performance and endurance and increases your life span. It protects your bones better than calcium, lowers blood sugar and blood pressure, and creates a body composition you will enjoy. It also changes your mood and brain chemistry. Yet, while exercise is important, you will never see the results you desire without proper nutrition.
As we embark upon a new year, make mind, body and spirit a priority. This is the best time to begin! Chase after health first, and weight will come naturally. Skip fad diets. Start with an anti-inflammatory approach to food. Avoid foods full of bad oils, meat-curing agents, preservatives, sugars, syrups and artificial sweeteners. These perpetuate disease in your body.
Food is fuel for longevity, as well as the physical shape you desire. For consistent energy, you must fuel the body regularly and in a balanced way. A well-balanced plate levels your mood and blood sugar, creating a consistent flow of energy. It also provides mental clarity that can move you to the next level in your career. Create balance with your nutrients.
When looking at your plate, you should be able to identify your quality protein source, such as chicken, turkey, grass-fed beef, fish or protein powder. You should be able to identify your healthy fat, such as olive oil, avocado oil, avocado, raw nuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds or olives. Finally, you want quality carbohydrates. Fill your plate with veggies! Make it colorful. You can consume over 150 grams of carbs daily just from veggies full of healthy fiber plus a small amount of fruit. Veggies fight disease.
Remember this: Choices make changes. Seek consistency, not perfection. Don’t wait to feel motivated. Create habits, and stick to them. These create positive change in you and inspire health in those around you. People see the light in you and want what you have. You can inspire them to change for the better, too. And I believe that is what God brought us here to do: to help others.
Your health is your greatest asset. It is worth the fight. Don’t give up, and don’t give in! God bless you as you fight strong.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Debbie Portell Morris, owner of Integrity Training Systems and Sophie’s Bakery, has been a functional nutrition and training coach for 25 years. She helps people chase after new levels of health. Nutrition is her passion and mission, and exercise is her joy. She says, "I believe God put me on Earth to help others create a balanced lifestyle."
"Proper nutrition enhances quality of life. It stabilizes your nervous system, allowing you to see through a clear lens. Nutrition balances your hormones and gives you strength to endure whatever physical demands the day brings."