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Healthy Products = Healthy Skin

Organic Skin Care Formulated For Your Every Need

Article by Christina Depascale

Photography by Provided

Originally published in Franklin Lifestyle

Christina Depascale describes herself as an “empath healer, aesthetician and a true skin guru,” having studied organic chemistry for years and earning many certifications. Raised in Europe and Rumson, New Jersey, she honed her craft working side-by-side with makeup magnate Laura Mercier for more than 16 years, treating the princesses of Georgia and Turkey and many other celebrities. Last month, Christina opened Scheal Organics in downtown Franklin where skin treatments are based on individual skin issues, rather than a rigid menu of services. She is a big believer in technology and often combines many different systems in one treatment. Christina formulates her own custom skin care line of products on-site. Additionally, she has a philosophy of “giving back” with a special emphasis on helping women who have experienced domestic violence. We sat down with Christina to learn more about her and why she is so passionate about helping others.

 What is the origin of the name Scheal? (pronounced “Shee Al”)

Christina: Scheal is named in honor of my mother. It was her last name and means “she heals”- so it fits perfectly. Unfortunately, my mother suffered domestic violence and it is a big part of why I formed LOVE -Love Overcomes Violence Everywhere. I try to set aside one day each week to give free facials to women presently experiencing domestic violence, and donate a portion of proceeds to organizations helping women recover.

How did you get started in skin care?

Christina: In my mid-twenties I experienced severe acne. I had access to so many products as an artist, but nothing was working for me. So I threw myself into skin school to heal myself. I started making compounds and healed myself in a couple of weeks. Then I started making it for everyone else and it started taking off.

How is Scheal different from other spas?

Christina: When we meet new clients, we make a note of the type of music they prefer to have played during the treatments. I also customize each facial created, which I make fresh daily.  The results are incredible and that is our branding. You become the face of our treatments and products. Another way Scheal is different is in our giving back to women suffering.

Tell us about The Acne Clinic. Is there a success story that stands out to you?

Christina: One client who stands out is a young woman who came to me with severe acne. Within 18 days after starting treatment, she looked like a completely different person. A man at the gym where she attended for three years didn’t recognize her. She broke my heart when she reflected that she felt the acne was a type of handicap and she never realized she had gotten use to the way people looked at her differently. I started to ask my acne clients about the emotion behind the acne. Almost all of them had been struggling with suicidal thoughts. People didn’t want to date them, they were bullied, and the way people stared at them felt degrading. I created The Acne Clinic Co. to truly make a difference and get people off the wheel of gimmicks. 

What are the advantages of using Scheal products?

Christina: Unlike manufactured products, which are made years in advance with preservatives, I personally make fresh batches of Scheal products each week to the climate for where each client lives in each season. They have a distinct vitality, and the beneficial results on all types of skin are incredible. I use only natural organic ingredients based in aloe, cucumber and chamomile, and they are extremely healing. They calm the skin and allow the skin to heal. Skin is alive and wants to be our best friend. But we tend to fight against it, and try to rip it off, or burn it or laser it. When skin is calmer it will look softer. As we age, and from sun damage, we get more dead skin which makes our skin appear thicker and makes us “turn into a raisin.” I help get rid of spots and the thick skin. I love to make the skin glow! 

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