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Hi I'm Fox!

Meet Author Caroline Kerfoot

Local author Caroline Kerfoot has always loved rhymes. “When I was 11 years old, my parents gave me a guitar, which I taught myself to play after school. Within a few months, I began to write songs. It’s a fun challenge linguistically—like fitting pieces into a puzzle—to remain succinct in storyline while keeping meter and time.” After moving with her husband to the Walnut Lake neighborhood a few years ago, she found the inspiration for her book Hi I’m Fox! and chose to write it as a rhyming tale.

While exploring her new neighborhood with her rescue dog Foxy, Caroline observed how Foxy interacted with different animals. “The spark of inspiration came when she met a turtle in our sideyard, who quickly hid in his shell,” says Caroline. “It made me think what if all the animals that this little Fox character meets are initially scared, purely because of her name? As they realize she is just a sweet little dog trying to find her way home, they befriend and help her.” With that, Hi I’m Fox! was born.

Caroline hopes young readers of Hi I’m Fox! will take away the message to be kind to one another. The book is intended for ages 3-7, says Caroline, and lessons about friendship and kindness are important for this age group. “When given the choice, be kind,” she emphasizes.

Hi I’m Fox! will soon be available at the Franklin Library, and West Bloomfield residents can use their library cards there. Caroline will also be visiting schools during the month of March for National Reading Month, taking part in story times. “I love be involved with the local community to help reinforce reading and creativity for little ones,” says Caroline. Copies of Hi I’m Fox! can be ordered at

Caroline Kerfoot

Author of Hi I’m Fox!

Caroline grew up in Michigan and returned with her husband John, who is also originally from Michigan, to West Bloomfield after 15 years in Europe and New York. She works at an Art Director for Regina Andrew and loves animals, nature, reading, and of course, writing and illustrating. You can find her walking through the woods at the West Bloomfield Nature Preserve, or hard at work on her second book in the Adventures of Fox series, which is expected to be published in the spring of 2023.