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Angela, Wendy, Dr. Doyle, Joy, Gwen

Featured Article

Hill Country Spine & Sport

Promotes "Fit For Life" to Patients

Article by Dr. Patrick Doyle

Photography by John Rutherford

Originally published in Boerne Lifestyle

Dr. Patrick Doyle, a retired U.S. Navy veteran, chose the chiropractic field as his second career and applies the Navy's core values of honor, courage, and commitment in his work at Hill Country Spine & Sport. He comes from a family of chiropractors and has a passion to help others through healing hands by assisting patients with short term success and educating them on quality-of-life changes for long term success.  He has over 15 years of experience in treating everything from minor joint aches to complex sports rehabilitation cases. He is a firm believer of being "Fit for Life."

“Hill Country Spine & Sport specializes in a wide range of care from performing pre and post op rehab for spine and joint surgery to routine preventative care. I also have experience treating both acute and chronic back and joint pain, arthritis, as well as headaches and sports related soft tissue injuries. My patient base extends from toddlers to all ages and I offer discounted rates for all veterans and public service professionals. It’s my way of giving back to those that protect us and serve our community for a living.”

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