“Words cannot express how incredibly grateful we have been for the support of the community during this time - support which has allowed us to continue providing emergency care and critical interventions for our region’s most vulnerable children at a time when they need us the most,” expresses DiAnne Mueller, CEO of The Saint Louis Crisis Nursery.
“The holiday season is a time we look forward to as a chance to share the magic of the season with struggling families whose children may have otherwise felt forgotten. Over the 34 years we have offered our Holiday Hearts Program, we have seen true miracles happen as many have shared their hearts and resources with those in our community who need it most. We know that for many families the holidays will look a little different this year, but we hope you will include the Crisis Nursery in your family’s holiday traditions. Stringent safety protocols to protect our staff and families, as well as a reduced volunteer force have meant that we have had to adapt our Holiday Program this year, at a time when we are seeing unprecedented numbers of families in need.”
You can make a difference for a Crisis Nursery family facing overwhelming challenges this holiday season. There are three ways you can help:
1. Keep a Family Warm & Housed: More Crisis Nursery families than ever before are facing the threat of eviction and utility disconnect. A financial gift to the Emergency Fund assists the Crisis Nursery in paying rent and utility bills for families in need.
2. Feed a Hungry Family: Provide a gift card to a local grocery store to help feed a Crisis Nursery family over the holidays.
3. Holiday Magic: Help ensure our little ones don’t feel forgotten this year. Provide a gift card for Walmart, 5-Below or a Dollar Store so that a parent can pick out a special gift for each of their little ones this holiday.
To participate in the Crisis Nursery 2020 Holiday Hearts Program, please send your check/gift cards with “Holiday Angel” in the memo line to: Saint Louis Crisis Nursery, 11710 Administration Dr., Ste. 18, St. Louis, MO 63146. Online donations can be made at www.crisisnurserykids.org.
Thank you for partnering with Crisis Nursery to spread hope and joy this holiday season!