March is the perfect time to fall in love — with organization! If 2025 is the year you want to improve your home organization, now’s the perfect time to tackle this issue.
Home organization doesn’t have to feel like drudgery. Look for ways to make it fun. Before you begin a new project, turn on some lively music. Or, if there’s an upbeat podcast you’ve wanted to hear, pop in some earbuds and listen while you sort. When it’s time to reorganize your pantry, begin by throwing out expired goods in time with the music. Next, consider your lifestyle, and divide your pantry into cooking categories that work for you. For instance, you might group foods by type (baking goods, condiments, canned items, etc.), by meal (breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner), or by some method unique to you. Add a little zest by choosing multicolored canisters to store dry goods such as pasta, rice, and cereal, but be sure the containers are see-through, so you can tell with a glance when it’s time to restock.
Just as your home reflects your unique personality, so can your storage spaces. Brighten up your bedroom closet by painting or wallpapering a wall. Use shower rings to snap purses onto a closet rod so you can quickly choose the right one. Instead of piling your jewelry in a box, add a custom jewelry organization drawer to your walk-in closet or vanity so you can admire your treasures easily and also clearly see what you have.
Don’t feel that you have to follow anyone else’s rules of home organization or style. If your home office feels cluttered, find some fun containers to rein in the chaos. Place pens, pencils, scissors, etc. in coffee cans you’ve painted or wrapped with scrapbook paper. Use mason jars or pottery cups to hold paper clips, staples, or stamps.
Because they yield quicker results, small spaces are usually more fun to organize. But rearranging a large space, like a garage, can be more satisfying in the long run. Tackle an overcrowded or messy garage by creating five piles: keep, sell, donate, recycle, and toss. Keep only the items you need and use regularly. Sell tools or machines that are taking up space and collecting dust. Donate items that would benefit your favorite charity. Check with your local government to see where to dispose of hard-to-recycle items, such as old paint, cleaning products, batteries, and LED light bulbs. Not only have you now created a tidy garage where you can find what you’re looking for easily, but you’ve also made some extra cash, supported a good cause, and helped the environment.
When you’re feeling less than enthusiastic about home organization, make a list of all the benefits you’ll see when your task is complete. The benefits may be specific to a particular room, or more general, such as saving you time and money, eliminating stress, and freeing up more time to spend with family and friends.
No matter what sort of storage assistance you're looking for, Closets By Design can help. Jamie Trewartha is co-owner along with Paul Paluch. Visit to learn more.
Just as your home reflects your unique personality, so can your storage spaces.
Home organization doesn’t have to feel like drudgery. Look for ways to make it fun.