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Homegrown Boomers

Growing Up Stamford in the 60s & 70s

Those of us who grew up in Stamford throughout the 60s and 70s remember with fondness The Starlight Drive-In. My dad was a policeman and often, dressed in my PJs, I’d accompany him when he worked there. With a big box of popcorn, I watched Elvis and Disney movies over and over.

Years later in high school, I worked at the Palace when it was a movie theater. I saw Macon County Line and Murder on the Orient Express hundreds of times! We also had the Plaza, Stamford (now the Rich Forum) Avon, Ridgeway and State Theaters.

Ridgeway was home to Gimbels. Bloomingdales was located at UCONN downtown. The one store that many of us remember is CO Miller with its beautiful elevator complete with a gloved operator. That was the place to purchase scout uniforms and dancing apparel. For school shoes it was Greenberg’s around the corner next to the original Stamford Advocate building and close to Woolworth’s. Woolworth’s had everything. It was a great distraction while waiting for your bus.

The train station was significantly different. The southbound side had a moderate size ticket office and waiting room. The northbound side was little more than a shed with a small snack shop and a shoe-shine stand.

Bowlarama on Hamilton Avenue and Duck Pin Bowling in Shippan were an excellent way to spend a rainy day with friends. Anyone remember Moonlight Bowling?

Depending on where you grew up, parks meant a great deal, Chestnut Hill, Courtland Park, and, of course, Scalzi Park with many baseball and softball games. The 1971 Senior Babe Ruth World Series Champions!

Beaches were and still are one of Stamford’s treasures. Cove, Cummings, Dyke, and West Beaches were some of the best in summer memories. You could walk out into Long Island Sound and find horseshoe crabs, starfish, seahorses, and lots of clams.

Another fond memory was the summer concerts at the Stamford Museum's Ezio Pinza Theater. We danced. We laughed. Some of us stole our first kiss. The stage showcased national tours such as Up With People and local favs like Adonis and James Daniel.

The Stamford Museum and Nature Center was then and now a wonderful respite for nature and wildlife. The Planetarium amazed us and was a favorite of school and scout outings.

Summer and Bedford were both two-way streets. We shopped at Bedford Records, Stevens Gifts, Frank Martin & Sons, Caldor’s, Sol’s Toys, Syl May’s and The Passage Shops.

Burdick Junior High School was the original Stamford High School on Forest Street, now an apartment building. I’m happy I got to attend Burdick. Eighth grade, for me in 1971, was an exceptional year of school!

Saint Joseph’s Hospital, today is the Tully Center, was where many of us were born. I remember the birth of my younger brother, Steven. Kids weren’t allowed to visit the rooms but they offered pony rides. My mother waved from the window holding the bundle of baby bro in her arms. Honestly, between sitting in a hospital room and a pony ride? I’ll take the pony ride every time! 

Winters seemed much more “wintery” when we were kids. Sleigh riding, snow-fort building and ice-skating were top on the list of things to do. Depending where you grew-up is where you gathered. Coopers Pond, Sleepy Hallow Park and for us in Glenbrook, it was the Pitts, located at the end of Lenox Avenue.

Whenever a new Beatle record was released, we couldn’t get to King’s in the South End fast enough to buy the 45rpm. They had clothes, housewares, toys, garden supplies, furniture – you name it. A trip to King’s was always a treat.

Food and drink stimulate happy memories. Curly’s and Pellicci’s were, and still are, a Stamford favorite along with the Dairy Queen and Carry-Out. The Sitting Room in Bulls Head was a constant meeting place for years. There was The Blue Note, 3 D’s and Rapson’s.

Fresh meats could be found at the chicken slaughter house on Pacific Street (across from the Mall - I can still smell it) as well as Stamford Dressed Beef. Oven Fresh Bakery, Cerbone’s (now Beldotti’s) and Kralich’s on Cove Road sold the best breads and baked goods. Wetson’s on Hope Street could feed a family of four for under $2! Seriously, ten cent fries and fifteen cent burgers!

I am well aware that I sound like the elders of my youth who looked ancient at forty-five. Those who walked five miles to school, each way, uphill over broken glass, barefooted. But this was a time before computers and cell phones. We played kick ball in the street until dark or when the Glenbrook Fire Department sounded its 8pm horn. We got fancy-dressed for dances and cotillions, many of which were held at Laddins Terrace. It was our shared youth growing up in the one place where they can call us one of their own. And, it was magical.

Special thanks to Kathy Struck, Chris Margait, Motts Pelazza, Frank Russo, Diane Shortelle, Katherine, Michelle, Roxanne and Lynne Colatrella, Paul, Nancy and Steve Guzda for sharing their favorite Stamford recollections. SCL welcomes your memories and photos via email or Instagram.

"I remember the Christmas Lights stung across Bedford Street. It looked like Bedford Falls in It's a Wonderful Life."

-Kathy Struck

"On Atlantic Street, next to the Post Office, was the YMCA. Women weren't allowed back then; not until the new YMCA was built on Washington Boulevard."

-Frank Russo

"Boyle Stadium Thanksgiving Day games! Al's Doghouse and Reddi Rooster on High Ridge."

-Motts Pelazza

The Roger Smith and Davenport Hotels, Stage Door for Youth and the Pink Tent Festival."

-Kathryn Colatrella