Eleanor has uncovered a mystery that is mostly unknown but widely experienced by many. It creeps up on them at night, moves like a wave when it's least expected, and is rarely spoken about in even the most intimate of rooms—yet its effects have a grip on half of the population. As a veteran and mother of three, Eleanor thought she had made it through life's toughest battles, only to find out that the greatest one she would face was the fight to uncover the mystery of her hormones. She used her own pain as fuel to educate herself and create a space where women could uncover their hormone mysteries and take control of their health.
When Eleanor and her family moved from Washington D.C. to Allen, she knew that it was the perfect time to transition her Holistic Health and Gut Health specialty to Texas. She wanted to be able to have an in-person experience where she could sit eye to eye with women who had the same issues she had overcome (think chronic migraines and career burnout). Every other Monday Eleanor shares lesson she's learned on her Holistic Hormone podcast
Eleanor said, "I wanted to create a safe space for them to tell me what they want to tell me." As I look over Eleanor's shoulder, I see a large old-fashioned safe anchored to the wall. It's the perfect symbol of her goal—to create a safe space for women who were looking for real answers to their body’s mysteries. It was in this space that she was able to help a client overcome her chronic gut issues which no medical professional could figure out.
Many women live with chronic pain masked by caffeine and a slew of naps to ease their exhaustion. The usual solution is a quick trip to the doctor or maybe even a specialized obstetrician. The most time patients get is on average 15 minutes with only 5 minutes of talk time (according to the National Institute of Health). That narrowing window leaves little time to ask the real questions that can lead to healing. Eleanor believes more time and effort are needed to address the underlying issues that plague women when it comes to weight loss, digestion, migraines, and understanding their menstrual cycle. Armed with a master’s in Integrative Nutrition and a passion for self-discovery, she is ready to help women win the battle as a Holistic Hormone and Gut Specialist.