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Katie O'Grady

Featured Article


The Women Who Dominate Fairfield Real Estate

When it comes to buying and selling real estate in Fairfield, many women are disrupting the traditional landscape, breaking records, and unapologetically leading the way. We sat down with six of the top leaders to learn more about the secrets to their success and of course, their deep connection to Fairfield. 


How long have you been in real estate? 10 years

What are the secrets to your success? Always placing my client's needs and wants first, having a strong knowledge of the industry, and having the best team who support me always.

What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received? ​To be resilient and focused.

If you had an extra hour and you couldn’t work or be with family, how would you spend it? Either volunteering or taking a long walk with one of my amazing friends.

If you weren’t in real estate, what other job would you be doing? Full-time volunteer, I love helping others and making connections.

What local causes do you support?I just became a board member with Team Woofgang & Co. which is an honor. I also support ConnectFairfield established by Debbi O'Keefe. (see pg. X)

What do you love most about Fairfield living? The people, our community, and all the amazing restaurants. I love that there are five miles of shoreline on the Long Island Sound, and I love my home and neighborhood.

What are your favorite spots in Fairfield? There are so many! I love sitting on the bench in Southport Harbor and watching the boats, Aurora's is our go-to, Team Woofgang & Co. for my dog treats, and walking the beaches.


How long have you been in real estate? 19 years

What are the secrets to your success? Laser focus on excellent client experience, respectful and collaborative relationships with my fellow agents, thinking outside the box, and staying hyper focused on the market. 

What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received? Treat your clients like friends and family. Don’t worry about the losses, focus on the next success. Avoid comparing yourself to anyone else; there’s plenty of business to go around. 

Do you have a favorite time management tool or strategy that helps you achieve work/life balance? Time blocking for family time, vacation, and exercise!

If you had an extra hour and you couldn’t work or be with family, how would you spend it? With friends, reading, or exercising—ideally outdoors!

If you weren’t in real estate, what other job would you be doing? Investor relations in the financial sector, working at a ski mountain, or running a boat charter in the BVI’s.

What local causes do you support? Al’s Angles, Near & Far Aid, and Alzheimer’s Association to name a few.

What are your favorite spots in Fairfield? Sasco Beach for sunset, Lake Mohegan for hiking, Fairfield Green for the farmer’s market.


 How long have you been in real estate? 18 years

What are the secrets to your success? Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than helping a client find their dream home or maximize their value when selling a property. 

What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received? Do not tell people what they want to hear; tell them what they need to hear. We arm our clients with comprehensive insights to make decisions. They are paying for our advice and guidance, not for acquiescence.

If you had an extra hour and you couldn’t work or be with family, how would you spend it?I would either take a Body Quest class with Laurie, play paddle tennis with my girlfriends, or relax with a glass of wine at the beach, taking in the sunset. 

If you weren’t in real estate, what other job would you be doing? I would be a therapist; I absolutely love helping people. 

What local causes do you support? We proudly support Bridgeport Hospital’s Norma Pfriem Breast Center, Friends of Pediatrics and Hospital Foundation, The Fairfield Quick Center, and The Fairfield Historical Museum.  

What are your favorite spots in Fairfield? There are so many including our gorgeous beaches, Southport Harbor, Fairfield University, The Quick Center for the Arts, FTC, restaurants like Artisan, Bonda, Paci, Centro, and Colony Grill, and unique shopping like The Beehive, Penfield Collective and Jane + Mercer.


How long have you been in real estate? 15 years

What are the secrets to your success? The service I provide to my clients. I do not take it for granted that my clients chose me to represent them and appreciate that their homes are likely the greatest asset they own. 

What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received? Be patient, success doesn't happen overnight.

If you had an extra hour and you couldn’t work or be with family, how would you spend it? At Sun Reflexology. Sounds silly but that 45 minutes with no phone and complete relaxation is exactly what I need for a recharge. Some of my greatest ideas and strategies happen when there are no distractions.  

If you weren’t in real estate, what other job would you be doing? Stay-at-home Mom

What local causes do you support? Pequot Library (the gem of Southport Village), Trinity Episcopal Church, and Save The Children.

What do you love most about Fairfield living? All that we have at our fingertips...beaches, restaurants, galleries, and so many great small business shops.

What are your favorite spots in Fairfield? Coco and Company, Fairfield Woman's Exchange, Hollis Taggart Gallery, Bonda, Gruel Britannia...I could go on and on!!


 How long have you been in real estate? 17 years 

What are the secrets to your success? I love what I do. 

What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received? Stay consistent. Be a good listener 

Do you have a favorite time management tool that helps you achieve work/life balance? I stay consistent with my daily routine. Starting with an early workout and getting in the office by 8:30. 

If you had an extra hour and you couldn’t work or be with family, how would you spend it? Taking a long walk along a beach or sharing a moment with friends. 

If you weren’t in real estate, what other job would you be doing? I would be in local politics. 

What local causes do you support? I support many local charities and serve on the board of the Stewart B McKinney Foundation and the WWYMCA.

What are your favorite spots in Fairfield? Sasco Beach, my home, and The Gray Goose. 


How long have you been in real estate? 26 years

What are the secrets to your success? Authenticity, synergy with a team of valued partners who respect each other, grit, and a yearning to seek new ways to bring more value to our clients.

What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received? Skills can be learned, values cannot. 

If you had an extra hour and you couldn’t work or be with family, how would you spend it? Throwing pottery, swimming, or playing the guitar. 

If you weren’t in real estate, what other job would you be doing? My family is already doing it—creating a magical, farm-to-table Inn in Maine. 

What local causes do you support? Operation Hope, Nourish Bridgeport, Al’s Angels, Making Strides for Breast Cancer, Bridgeport Youth Lacrosse among others. Being on the Board of Directors of the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce is always opening opportunities for us to give back. 

What do you love most about Fairfield living? The diversity of our community that is so welcoming and friendly to all newcomers. I have a special place in my heart for Fairfield.

What are your favorite spots in Fairfield? I love walking the dogs at Brett Woods, playing golf at Par 3, watching the sunrise at Penfield, coffee at Las Vetas, music at FTC, movies at the SHU Community Theatre and pottery at The Studio.