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What started you on your career path?

I am an accidental Banker. I was planning on taking a job with a local paper distributor as a Salesman out of college. I took a last minute interview with a Bank, and you know the rest of the story. 

What is something you are proud of?

My family. I have been married nearly 40 years to my best friend. My two daughters are good people and doing well in their lives. 

What is something you are passionate about?

Finding solutions for my clients. I love what I do for a career. I want the people I come in contact with to be financially secure.

What is your definition of success?

+ Good friends.

+ A happy family.

+ A belief that you’re making a difference in your community.

What advice do you have for the next generation?

+ Work hard!!

+ Be passionate about everything you do.

+ Have compassion for others.

+ Volunteer in your community.

+ Make your family number one even when it is hard.

+ It is okay to fail, just learn from your mistakes. 

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Joel Hickman

Executive Vice President

& Chief Banking Officer, Idaho Trust Bank

– Passionate

– Straight Forward

– Committed