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Inspired by Success

Lynn Gunter +Driven +Enthusiastic +Committed to Youth +Scout Executive/CEO, Ore-Ida Council, Boy Scouts of America

What set you on your career path with the BSA?

As a kid, I only made it to the Tenderfoot Scout rank—second of seven ranks. I truly loved scouting, but my troop did not have consistent leadership. I made a commitment long ago that if I ever served as an adult volunteer, I would be the kind of leader I wished for as a youth. In 1993, I was asked to serve as a scoutmaster and had a remarkable volunteer experience. I earned a few degrees in social sciences in college. I always wanted to be a professional “do-gooder.” After retiring from a 20-year career in retail, I had many avenues to pursue, including social work. At that time, a good friend and professional scouter introduced me to the profession, and the rest is history.

What is your definition of success?

In my profession, it is leaving a positive impression on the lives of the youth we serve. I am thrilled to belong to an organization that creates adventure. And through adventure, we place children in a laboratory of sorts to instill in them values and character. To me, ultimate success will be when this rising generation realizes their Duty to God, Duty to Country and Duty to Self. And they can have a whole lot of fun while on the adventure!

What are some of your success habits?

To be truly successful, I follow a simple formula: Work hard. Keep the rules. Pray.

What advice do you have for people wanting to make an impact in our community?

Get involved! Especially with a youth-serving organization. Your time and/or treasure will help transform tomorrow’s community. Today, too many children seek self-identity from social media. Help them discover their self-worth through positive activities and programs.

If you or your children would like to be involved with the Ore-Ida Council, BSA call 208-376-4411.