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Inspired To Greatness

Learn What Motivates These Chandler Residents And Drives Them To Their Best

Amy Barro

Barro’s Pizza

Amy Barro is the corporate vice president for Barro’s Pizza and a half-time reading specialist at Ashland Ranch Elementary. Amy moved with her husband and two sons to Chandler in 1998 because they fell in love with the Ocotillo area, the school system, and the family-friendly atmosphere. Her sons are grown, but the couple still lives here with their two golden retrievers.

Amy taught elementary school for years. During this time, they opened their first of three Barro’s Pizza locations in Chandler.

“My husband Ken and I have been married for 28 years, so I have been blessed to watch Barro’s Pizza grow from just a few locations to soon-to-be 45. It’s extremely rewarding to work so closely with family members and to be such a big part of the community. Many people think we are a franchise, but all locations are family-owned, and in many of our restaurants you can find a family member working behind the counter,” says Amy.

She’s inspired by people who’ve survived difficult, life-changing experiences such as the loss of a child or the diagnosis of a serious illness. She’s in awe of their courage to get up every day and live on.

“When I think that life is hard or I'm having a bad day, I think of those going through difficult times and remind myself to have gratitude for everything in my life,” she says.

Amy is a strong advocate for the needs of children and animals, and her passion lies in helping those who cannot help themselves. During the holidays she partners with Ocotillo Friends to organize an adopt a family event. On a business level, Barro's Pizza holds the Doran Barro Hunger Fight on the first Tuesday in December each year. The event is special to the family and named for their matriarch, who lost her battle with cancer in 2014. All proceeds are donated to St. Mary's Food Bank.

“If each and every one of us took the time to give back to just one thing we are passionate about, we could make the world a much more positive place. It doesn't have to be monetary—start out by spending an hour once a month helping a child learn to read. Find your passion and live it,” says Amy.

Her favorite quote is from the children’s book Wonder by R.J. Palacio: “Greatness is not being strong, but using strength to carry the most hearts.”

Dr. Shadow Asgari

Sonoran Smile Orthodontics

Dr. Shadow Asgari loves spending time with her family and friends. Traveling, running and yoga are at the top of her fun list. But, creating beautiful smiles for people fills her cup to the brim. Shadow was born, raised and received her education in Houston, Texas. She first came to Arizona during her residency.

“I fell in love with the vast desert and skies, and the beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I knew then this is where I'd come after graduation to begin my career,” she says. “After completing my education in 2002, I moved to Chandler to begin my practice in orthodontics, and I've been here since.”  

Shadow’s father immigrated to the United States to receive a good education and always encouraged his daughters to study, work hard and go into healthcare. He wanted them to have secure careers.

“Some call this the immigrant mentality and many children of immigrants can relate. My other sisters also went into dentistry and medicine,” says Shadow. “I'm glad I chose this field because it has been rewarding to make such a big difference in people’s lives. What's better than helping create beautiful smiles?”

Her inspiration is the City of Chandler, its community and the way people come together to help each other. The community is what inspires her to be and do better, to be a leader and an example for others. It’s also what moved Shadow and her partner, Dr. Samantha Vu, to give back by treating many teachers at no charge or reduced fees.

“We love teachers and I have personally been so touched by their sacrifices and the difference they've made in my kids’ lives,” she says. “I hope to expand on this and be able to do more in the future for more of the selfless givers in our city.”

Cathleen Carter

Re/Max Alliance Group

Cathleen Carter is a real estate professional who loves what she does for a living—helping people buy and sell homes. But for her it’s more than just the end goal, it’s the process from start to finish. She likes making new friends, working with people, and striving to keep transactions running smooth and easy.

“One client said it quite well. He said, ‘It’s such an abrupt goodbye.’ We are in contact almost daily and when we close the transaction it instantly stops. That's the hard part,” Cathleen says.

She’s been a salesperson for years and understands the importance of being in charge of her business. This is perhaps why she is inspired by successful people in any industry. It challenges her to better herself.

“I know there will always be someone in front of me and someone behind. I just try to keep myself in check and continue to strive to be my best,” she says.

Cathleen admits it’s difficult for her to slow down, but she does enjoy fresh air, green grass and a good game of golf.

“My Chandler connection is my heart. I love Chandler and truly can't see myself living anywhere else,” she says. “I'm from South Bend, Indiana, moved to the Valley in 1989, and have been watching it grow up.”

Nish Shah, DMD, MD, FACS

AZ Oral Facial and Implant Surgery

Nish is an oral surgeon who’s been serving in the Chandler area for more than 16 years. He and his wife have three grown children and are active in their church. When he’s not busy changing lives, he enjoys playing doubles tennis.

“I came out to visit a friend from dental school when I was approaching the end of my residency, with my family, and we loved it out here. It was the middle of August!” says Nish.

In 2017 he was inducted into the American College of Surgeons, an award recognizing those who are the best in their surgical specialty. Only a handful of oral and maxillofacial surgeons have been honored with this title in Arizona.

“I love surgery and enjoy helping people. It is rewarding being able to help others who have challenging problems,” he says.

His inspiration for all he does is a higher power. His relationship with God has made the biggest impact on his life.

“It is my most important motivation for doing better every day and helping people in the office, as well as the community,” says Nish. “I try to find humor in almost every situation, because I think that finding enjoyment in life keeps you most content.”

He and his team participate annually in local charity events like Arizona Mission of Mercy (AZMOM) and Free Dental Days, providing dental services to those in need. He also went abroad on a mission trip to a remote part of India, sponsored by Compass Christian Church, to provide cleft lip and palate surgery to people who didn’t have access to such services.

“You can't help everyone, but you can always show people compassion and care and do your best,” says Nish.