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Introducing PicoSure

The Versatile Laser Revolutionizing Skin and Tattoo Treatments

Dr. Judy Corbett and her team at Baldwin GYN & Aesthetics are proud to offer PicoSure. A versatile and highly effective laser that addresses a wide range of skin conditions. From melasma and pigmentation issues to skin rejuvenation, scarring, and even tattoo removal, PicoSure has become the go-to solution for safe and successful treatments. 

To enhance the power of PicoSure, they have combined the treatment with their RF-Microneedling device, Potenza, to create a ground breaking treatment protocol called Cynoglow. This innovative approach targets anti-aging and sun-damaged skin, providing remarkable results. Additionally, they offer Chemical Peels as an excellent complement to PicoSure laser treatments, delivering even skin tone, brightness, and reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. 

For those with acne-prone skin, Baldwin GYN & Aesthetics' Carbon Laser Peel is a recommended option. PicoSure's photo-mechanical mode of action sets it apart, making it the preferred laser for treating melasma. In fact, it is the only laser FDA-approved for the treatment and maintenance of this specific condition. 

But let's not forget PicoSure's unmatched reputation in the field of tattoo removal. As the leading laser for ink tattoo removal or revision, PicoSure has transformed the lives of many. 

You may be wondering about the discomfort and downtime associated with PicoSure treatments. Dr. Corbett and her team offer topical numbing with lidocaine to minimize any potential discomfort. They also have a cooling device to further enhance comfort during the procedure with little to no downtime. 

Contact Baldwin GYN & Aesthetics today and begin your skin transformation journey! 

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