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The IVV Experience with Laura Blair

Article by Kristin Burnell

Photography by Abby Cole Photography

Originally published in Greenwich Lifestyle

Laura Blair is no stranger to travel, as her experience is what has led to her success in the travel industry for more than 20 years. Born and raised abroad, she has been living in the United States since college. One summer, she decided to rent a villa in Provence, France with family and friends, after finding herself missing Europe. From that experience, her business was born, In Villas Veritas. When asked what makes her business unique, she says, "My company was always based on the truth about our properties, because we have always personally vetted them. Thus the “In Villas Veritas”. What you see is what you get but actually it’s always much better!"

Blair has expanded her business over the years to include many areas beyond Europe alongside her experienced team. Their mission remains the same she says, "To know and vet every property we represent as well as the regions so as to best service our VVIP clientele. We have clients who have rented villas for years elsewhere before finding us and who tell us that their experience booking a villa with us has been their best ever."

Blair's friends describe as "the villa guru," often joining Blair's villa trips whenever she organizes them for their own holidays. This love and passion carries into the work she does for clients. When asked her favorite destination to plan trips for her clients she tells us, "Europe is always fun as so rich in experience but tropical vacations are fun as well for the ultimate Rest and Relaxation. Africa is really amazing to organize as it's also so rich in experience and has so many wonderful options." 

She explains that her and her team always love to work together and curate trips for special occasions, organizing amazing excursions and parties in and out of the villas.

One of Blair's most recent favorites included planning a trip for a group for a 50th birthday, who had rented in Italy. She booked an after hours tour and dinner at the Uffizi in Florence and another day a Heli ride to wine tasting on the Tuscan coast. This all followed by a tour of a private castle and lunch with one of the owners, a count with family dating back to Ugolino in Dante inferno.  She says, "These were just two special things they did that week and a great party with entertainment and fireworks."

Blair and the rest of the In Villas Veritas team are there to help you book your next trip, that will help create timeless memories for you and loved ones to last a lifetime. We asked Blair what are some of common misconceptions of booking vacations? She shared this advice for those looking to book their next journey, "The key is to have a great villa specialist who really knows what they are doing and understands how to put together a seamless trip. Even making sure it’s not too packed with events so the group can enjoy the properties, which are all amazing. I think often people also feel daunted by long journeys like Africa. But there again the process is completely taken in hand with a specialist and the journey is really not daunting at all despite the distance and exotic unknown. The point is the right specialist takes away any worry or fear factor and makes it all easy and fabulous for the client."

So, why book a villa? 

"A villa is the ultimate exclusive luxury because you have all the property and the staff and services to yourself, just for you, and the whole experience tailored to what you desire. Even in the best hotels you may still have to wait for the concierge to be available or the bartender. Our villa services are extremely full on. Our clients are busy and work hard, their vacations should be relaxing and better than expected."

Laura Blair founded In Villas Veritas in 1997 to provide a service to friends and referrals who knew she was the go-to for beautiful villas. Laura Blair and her experienced staff, each with over 20 years in the luxury travel business, set themselves apart by providing firsthand knowledge of each and every property and region they represent and by working closely with their clients to ensure a seamless and enjoyable vacation.

Where to Find Laura and Learn More about Her Services:



"When booking your next vacation, finding the right specialist takes away any worry or fear factor and makes it all easy and fabulous for the client." - Laura Blair, Founder of In Villas Veritas.

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