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Jewelry with a Purpose

Monarch Jewelry - Designed To Serve

Monarch Jewelry is a Christian ministry, in connection with Crisis Aid International, that creates artistic jewelry and accessories as a unique way to engage in the fight against modern-day sex slavery. Its mission is to increase awareness, raise funds and encourage others to fight against sex trafficking in St. Louis and around the world. All profit from the sale of Monarch Jewelry and accessories goes to Crisis Aid’s St. Louis Refuge Home. in 2019, they raised over $152,000.

Monarch was founded by Kay Bach. The current leadership team includes Kay Bach, Linda Boyer, Karen Hermann, Jenny Michaud, Terri Rich, Chiara Wesemann, and Bernice Vanzyl. 

Volunteers gather weekly to produce jewelry for this purpose, and to offer support and prayer for one another. The jewelry is sold in various retail outlets such as Aerie Lane on South Main Street in Saint Charles.

Sex trafficking is increasing at alarming rates. “As Monarch raises awareness and funds to bring restoration and healing to girls rescued from sex trafficking, we believe every God-given gift and talent can be used!” Here’s a list of ways to get involved:

· Contact Monarch Jewelry at to help make, promote and/or sell their products. 

· Donate to help a trafficked survivor reclaim their life and hope – all proceeds go directly to Crisis Aid International for the U.S. Refuge Home.

· Send your jewelry (old or new, broken, earrings – even orphaned ones! Brooches, chains, silver plated silverware, crystals from chandeliers, jewelry supplies, beads of any kind to Crisis Aid International P.O. Box 510167, St. Louis, MO 63151.

· Watch for signs of trafficking: go to to learn about the signs of a trafficked person.

· Wear Monarch jewelry to start conversations about the plight of human trafficking – we can all be the solution together!

· Host a Virtual Website Party or a Party in A Box which comes with lots of great one-of-a-kind pieces to choose from.

· Purchase a Gift of Equine (Horse) Therapy for a girl in the Home for $25/session (the most effective therapy to date).