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Chris Haggerty

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Julian Vaca

Local Author Releases Second Book in Duology

CL: Julian, tell our readers about yourself!

JV: I've been a creative writer for over a decade. At one point, my dream was to pursue filmmaking. I went to college for screenwriting. I quickly discovered how difficult it is to produce a film. So I pivoted to novel writing shortly thereafter. What's great about writing is that you only need a notepad and a pen. Anyone can realize a story on the page, and that's an invigorating thought.

CL: You recently published The Recall Paradox, the sequel to The Memory Index. What's the duology about?

JV: The books take place in a reimagined 1980s where rapid memory loss has afflicted humanity. Five hundred teens are trialing a "super technology" at a boarding school that will supposedly mark a significant step forward in reclaiming agency over memory making. But, our quartet of heroes—led by the brave, empathetic Freya Izquierdo—quickly discover that Foxtail Academy harbors many secrets. The series has mystery, action, romance, and retro sci-fi tech.

I've been fortunate enough to collaborate with some local filmmakers recently, and the creative process is VERY different. When I write my novels, I'm inside my head for so long, and it isn't until months later that I'll get feedback from my beta readers and editor. At the end of the day, I think my heart's really in novels.