Our breath is our life force and learning how to use our breath as a tool when life gets out of control is a simple effective way to help bring you back to your center. Breathwork or Pranayama is something that you can do anytime to help you get through the hurdles of life.
Alternate Nostril Breathing or Nadi Shodhana
You can practice alternate nostril breathing as often as you like. Try using this technique prior to any situation that may cause you a feeling of stress or anxiety. Two rounds is adequate, but ten rounds is ideal.
- Sit with back straight.
- Alternate between thumb and ring finger to close your nostrils.
- Close right nostril with thumb.
- Inhale through left nostril.
- Exhale through left nostril.
- Now release your thumb and close off left nostril with ring finger.
- Inhale through right nostril.
- Exhale through right nostril.
- Then switch sides and repeat cycle.
4-7-8 Breathing
Adapted from Dr. Andrew Wiel’s work, Melissa has been teaching this for a year. This technique is simple and effective. A quick reset for your day or to clear your mind.
1. Sit with back straight or lying down.
2. Jaw loose and tongue gently pressing behind the top front teeth.
3. Inhale through nose, filling your belly to the count of 4.
4. Hold breath for the count of 7.
5. Exhale fully through the mouth for the count of 8.
Repeat 4 to 8 rounds in one sitting.
Box Breathing
A gentle breath technique that freshens your mind and stabilizes any stress.
1. Sit in an easy cross-legged position with back straight.
2. Inhale to the count of 4.
3. Hold for the count of 4.
4. Exhale for the count of 4.
5. Hold for the count of 4.
6. Repeat at least 10 times.
The benefits of doing Pranayama (Sanskrit word prana=energy + yama+ control) controlled breathing.
- Regulating the nervous system
- Lowering blood pressure
- Improving breathing
- Strengthening lung muscles
- Clearing mucus from your lungs
- Lowering fear and anxiety