JustServe.org has a chance at happiness for everyone. According to an article from Time.com, the secret to happiness is helping people. But according to an article from the Stanford Center for Longevity, although more than 90% of people want to volunteer, only about 1 out of 4 Americans do. Stanford's researchers found three common barriers to volunteering. The first is the lack of time coupled with rigid volunteer schedules. The second is a lack of information and uninteresting opportunities. The third is simply that nobody has asked them to.
Mother Teresa said, “Love is not patronizing, and charity isn't about pity; it is about love. Charity and love are the same—with charity you give love, so don't just give money, but reach out your hand instead.” What better invitation could there be?
JustServe has all sorts of volunteer opportunities available. Whether a person wants to find a one-time opportunity or they prefer a regularly occurring appointment, the website can help a would-be volunteer find a need they are available to fill. Organized by location with tags for age, group size, and topics of interest, it is quick and easy to find volunteer opportunities that work for your schedule and suit your interests and abilities. There are even opportunities for children, youth and the elderly. Businesses and organizations can serve together to achieve greater unity in their ranks. Couples and families find fulfillment in serving together for date nights and family nights.
Organizations and events can also register with the site if they need volunteers at their venue. A recent event listed a need for 200 volunteers to accept, organize and deliver food donations to Treasure Valley food banks. Within a couple of days on the site, all 200 volunteer positions were filled.
JustServe is a nonprofit organization. They never fundraise and have no political affiliation. They are nondenominational, partnering with many churches and organizations to help the local community. See JustServe's partners below.*
This holiday season, as you seek joy and goodwill toward men, take a minute to check out JustServe.org. Accept the invitation to reach out your hand.
*This list of JustServe Partners is not all-inclusive.
- Lion's Club
- Salvation Army
- Red Cross
- Ronald McDonald House
- Idaho Youth Ranch
- Catholic Charities of Idaho
- International Rescue Committee (IRC—Refugees)
- Agency for New Americans (ANA—Refugees)
- English Language Center (ELC—Refugees)
- St. Vincent de Paul
- South West Idaho Area on Aging
- Meals on Wheels
- Valley Ride Transportation
- Idaho State Museum
- American Cancer Society
- Special Olympics
- St. Luke's Hospital
- Project Linus
- Libraries
- Food Pantries
- Hospice agencies
- Jesse Tree