Who: Kathy Corcoran
Title: Master Ballroom Dance Teacher
Where: North Orange County
Advice: Pick a teacher you are comfortable with. A good teacher who is very experienced will put you at ease.
Does dancing make you jittery, or make you want to do The Jitterbug? If festive occasions make you want to hide under a table, you can count yourself among many who started dance lessons thinking they had two left feet but are now perfectly confident dancing center-stage.
Kathy Corcoran has been teaching singles and couples to dance in Orange County for more than 50 years. After working for major dance studios for many years it was clear to this California Swing Dance Hall-of-Famer that teaching beginning dancers privately from the get-go in her own ballroom would be more successful than unlearning poor dance habits picked up in group classes.
“My goal is for them to look good on the dance floor and feel good doing it. I would rather they learn even a few steps right than many steps that are badly executed,” said Corcoran. “I am motivated to teach people they can dance, [which] for most men is to get a woman or to make one happy. Once they start dancing their motivation changes to also making themselves happy.”
New Energy Ballroom Dance Studio in Yorba Linda is Kathy's private studio accommodating the needs and schedules of busy people. To begin your dance journey, visit newenergyballroomdancestudio.com.