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Philip Slowiak Photography

Featured Article

La La Designs

Beautiful Spaces Curated by Interior Designer Autumn Edwards

Article by Michelle W. Parnell

Photography by Philip Slowiak Photography & Wild Wren Photography

Originally published in Chattanooga City Lifestyle

“I don’t feel like I chose interior design, I feel like it chose me,” shares Autumn Edwards, interior designer and owner of La La Designs. “I loved being with my kids and taking care of them when they were young, so I figured out how to supplement my income by owning homes and upgrading them. Then, people started asking me questions about colors and what to do with things. Eventually, I had realtors asking me about houses and from there, it morphed into full design.”

Over her twenty years of experience, Edwards has found that her passion lies in remodeling historic homes. “I really like well-built older homes, commercial buildings, and warehouses; the materials just appeal to me,” she said. “I like to work within the time period, or wherever the house is located, and rehab it by taking out walls and restructuring it while not taking away from the history of the house. I also love mixing the old with modern elements; it’s like a puzzle to me. I find these older houses beautiful and hate tearing them down.”

Although her favorite period for homes is the early 1900s, Edwards sees potential in homes of all ages. “There are a lot of houses, especially in Signal, that were built in the 1990s and early 2000s,” she explained. “They aren't technically considered historical, but they are nice homes, usually made with masonry bricks, and they have great bones but haven't been updated.”

Edwards uses her experience as an interior designer and as a mom to create holistic long-term plans for homes. “I feel like I have wisdom to offer because I've done life with babies and now, I have two in college,” she shared. “So, I know to set the house up, not just for this really crazy phase you're in with toys and pacifiers everywhere, but thinking long term. I would rather do that upfront than to have homeowners need to come back a few years from now and redo everything.”

Edwards works with homeowners to set up a plan to prioritize projects and implement changes in phases, which is more budget friendly and less overwhelming for the homeowner. She also enjoys helping homeowners discover how their personalities can be expressed to make their home most enjoyable and relaxing for their families.

“With many of my clients, there are usually gifts, talents, and tendencies that they just don't know about,” she said. “It's sort of a process of helping someone to really get it out in their home and create a space that is truly a reflection of them.”

When it comes to style trends, Edwards encourages clients to stick to what they love and approach trends wisely. “I try to stay pretty classic, traditional, and timeless with things in the home that can't be changed out easily,” she explained. “I have a lot more fun with wallpaper, lighting, hardware, artwork, and rugs and that's how I add personality to the space.”

Edwards offers several service packages for clients to choose from that include a design only option and a full-service option where she designs the elements and oversees the project from start to finish. She also provides consultations and works with real estate agents in a myriad of ways. For more information and to schedule a free discovery call, visit or call 423-488-6210. You can also follow Autumn on Instagram at @lala_laladesign.