Jan Alexander
Jan Alexander has made an impact upon thousands of families across Hendersonville and Sumner County. As the Director of TriStar Hendersonville Birth Center, she has been bringing new life into the world for over 40 years. Along with her professional role, Jan is also very involved in the community, serving on the boards of the March of Dimes, the Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center and the Sumner County Health Department.
Why Hendersonville?
“We moved to Hendersonville in 1986, and I immediately felt at home. I have made deep connections and friendships with people all across our community.”
“God’s presence within me is my greatest motivation. I am always listening for what He wants me to do.”
Life lesson
“Since I was a little girl, I have had a deep desire to help and to serve others. God has always placed me where I need to be, and he has given me the life opportunities to fulfill my passion.”
“I have had two wonderful mentors. The first was my paternal grandmother, who showered me with unconditional love and an appreciation for nature. The second one was Shelley Ames, who taught me how important it is to serve our community.”
What advice would you give your younger self?
“Have no regrets – learn from every experience.”
Deanne DeWitt
Community Activist
Deanne DeWitt is one busy lady. She currently serves as President of the Preservation Society of Sumner County and the Chair of the Sumner Preservation Collaborative. In both roles, she is dedicated to keeping Sumner County’s rich history available for future generations. Along with her full-time job, she is also the President-Elect of Hendersonville Evening Rotary, a board member of the Gallatin Chamber Foundation , a Workforce Cabinet member of Forward Sumner and an active member of CIL Church.”
Why Hendersonville?
“We moved here in 2011, hoping to find a great place to raise our family. Since then, it has truly become our home. We are incredibly grateful for Sumner County Schools and its incredible leadership.”
“Problem solving… I was trained as an engineer, and my mindset is always to identify problems and opportunities for improving processes. I can’t resist pursuing good ideas to make our community better.”
Life lesson
“Never have any regrets. Every life experience adds to the puzzle that is collectively my own masterpiece.”
“My mentor was Bill Puryear, the late artist, writer, historian, accountant and business/nonprofit leader. He was a true Sumner County legend.”
What advice would you give your younger self?
“”Learn to say ‘yes’ a little bit less often.”
Taylor Rowe Reed
Executive Director
As the Founder and Executive Director of Live Love Nashville, Taylor is dedicated to ensuring that all children in Nashville have access to basic life necessities, such as food, clothing, hygiene/personal care items and school supplies. She is also actively involved in many other community organizations, including serving on the boards of Christmas4Kids, the Care Cabinet, HolidayFest and the Jae & Zeke Foundation.
Why Hendersonville?
“Since forming Live Love Nashville, I have witnessed Hendersonville experience several tragic events. In every case, people who were suffering were wrapped up in the arms of love and support by their neighbors all across the community. Our community members desperately want to give back and help – they just need an outlet to do so.”
“When I am passionate about something, I jump in headfirst. It doesn’t matter if I am an entry-level fast-food employee or a company CEO. I always give my best.”
“My 4th grade teacher, Mr. Yates, left a lasting impression on me. He taught me the importance of giving back to others.”
Life lesson
“Time is invaluable. Spend it wisely, and take note when people share their time with you.”
What advice would you give your younger self?
“I would tell myself that it is okay to just be yourself. You don’t have to try so hard to fit in.’”
“God’s presence within me is my greatest motivation."
"I can’t resist pursuing good ideas to make our community better.”
"When I am passionate about something, I jump in headfirst. I always give my best."