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Njomeza Rugova: MDRN Design House

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Love for the Local Ladies

Connecting With The Heart Of Our Communities

Njomeza Rugova: MDRN Design House

DC: What are the secrets to your success?

NR: Not being so transactional with clients. Getting to know them, their love story, and building a bond with them through the process.

DC: How do you persevere through the tough times?

NR: Being positive: A positive attitude opens up your mind to more possibilities.

DC: What do you want to achieve next?

NR: I'd love to eventually have a storefront, where I can showcase my previous work and have a place to meet with clients one on one.

DC: What are your tips for growing a company? 

NR: Get organized, keep detailed records, understand the risks and rewards, be creative, stay focused on your goals, and be consistent.

Caitlin Polcastro: Nusoma Health

DC: What are the secrets to your success? 

CP: I love helping people feel well. I have since I was a little girl. Being the NP/clinical director at Nusoma Health, I believe that any success at this company comes from my passion for augmenting someone's innate ability to heal, and allow them to regain control of their health/life. I think that when someone takes pride in what they do and is enthusiastic about what they do, success always follows suit. 

DC: How do you persevere through the tough times? 

CP: Practice gratefulness and remind myself that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel; one way or another. 

DC: What do you want to achieve next? 

CP: Build a platform that allows for an increased ability to reach people who need assistance with transforming their health, lifestyle, and overall well-being. I always think of the world as my oyster!  

DC: What are your tips for growing a company? 

CP: Patience and positivity. It's easy to become frustrated, get down on yourself and lose hope, but DON'T. Keep trying and keep doing what you love most. 

Kelly Lapadula: House of Ambiance

DC: What are the secrets to your success? 

KL: The secrets to our success lie in our unique approach to staging, which combines sleek and modern design aesthetics with a deep understanding of human psychology. By tapping into our clients' emotions, preferences, and aspirations, we create spaces that not only look fantastic but also feel like home from the moment you step through the door. Our ability to connect with our clients on a deeper level sets us apart in the staging industry and ensures that every project we undertake is a resounding success.

DC: How do you persevere through the tough times?

KL: Perseverance is key to navigating through tough times, and we approach challenges with a combination of resilience, creativity, and determination. When faced with obstacles, we lean on our team's collective expertise and experience to find innovative solutions and adapt to changing circumstances. We also prioritize open communication and transparency, both internally and with our clients, to ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards a common goal. By staying focused on our mission and maintaining a positive mindset, we're able to overcome adversity and emerge even stronger on the other side.

DC: What do you want to achieve next? 

KL: Our goal is to continue expanding our reach and establishing ourselves as the go-to staging company in our region. We're constantly seeking new opportunities for growth and innovation, whether it's expanding our service offerings, entering new markets, or forming strategic partnerships with other industry leaders. Ultimately, we aim to become the undisputed leader in the staging industry, known for our unparalleled creativity, professionalism, and commitment to excellence.

DC: What are your tips for growing a company?

KL: Growing a company requires careful planning, dedication, and a willingness to embrace change. One of our top tips for growing a company is to prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. By delivering exceptional service and exceeding our clients' expectations, we've been able to build a loyal customer base and generate positive word-of-mouth referrals. Additionally, we invest in our team's professional development and foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning. Finally, we're not afraid to take calculated risks and explore new opportunities for expansion and diversification. By staying agile, adaptable, and laser-focused on our long-term goals, we're confident that we can continue to grow and thrive in the years to come.

Michele Zipper & Deb Ross: The Well Center

DC: What are the secrets to your success? 

TWC: Treating every person as if they are a friend or a member of our family. We are compassionate and understand the true value of taking the time to really listen to our clients/patients. We are deeply committed to helping them feel their best and heal.  

DC: How do you persevere through the tough times? 

TWC: We have become great communicators. As business partners, we did a lot of work with a mentor before we opened our doors so that we could truly understand each other – our strengths and weaknesses, and how to support one another best. We are yin and yang in a lot of ways, creating true balance. We honor each other and what the other person is feeling and we try to problem-solve together. We have also learned the importance of the pause before reacting so that we can make clean, informed decisions about the business. We also look at hard times as growth and learning opportunities – as exercises in what are we missing and what we need to work on, and similar to a healing journey, those challenging times often become quite meaningful and impactful in positive ways. 

DC: What do you want to achieve next?

TWC: We want to continue to find flow and balance and success professionally and personally. As two moms and business owners, it’s not always easy to find that balance, and we keep striving for that. We believe in abundance – we want to continue to be at the forefront of the Westchester wellness community, making it accessible for everyone so that success is achievable for all.

DC: What are your tips for growing a company? 

TWC: The power of NO. We used to want to be everything to everyone, yet learning to focus on what we do best and stay in that lane has been the biggest lesson in owning a business. Also, remember your WHY so that when we’re faced with challenges or growth opportunities, the decisions we make are in alignment with the central ethos of our company. We have our core pillars so that all of our decisions feel like they’re in alignment with our initial intention. 

Angela Fiammetta: Angela Fiammetta Art

DC: What are the secrets to your success? 

AF: I think I owe my art career to the fact that I continuously decide to put myself and my work out there even if it seems like I’m doing it imperfectly. Having a creative career and an entrepreneurial career means I’m fully in control of my destiny which is both amazing and tough because there is no option to put it on autopilot and there is no set blueprint to follow, but I love that I get to create my own version of success. 

DC: How do you persevere through the tough times?

AF: If I face a setback or get a rejection that stings I give myself a day to grieve it and then after that I have to get back on the horse and start planning for the next project! Rejection is redirection. 

DC: What do you want to achieve next? 

AF: I am in the middle of creating my next body of work/collection release which I’m so excited about! 

DC: What are your tips for growing a company?

AF: Whatever you sell, make or offer— make it the best it can be & then constantly be refining and upgrading your business practices. Growing a business is not a set-it-and-forget-it endeavor, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reworked my website and e-commerce flow— it’s a job that will never truly be done. 

Heather Dibble: Heather Dibble Interiors

DC: What are the secrets to your success? 

HD: I am always striving for success, so it's an ongoing pursuit. I attribute our successes to hard work, determination, and the support of my team. I am fortunate to have a team of hardworking, professional women and a husband who is a leader in the construction industry. The most driving factor to my success is having good relationships with my clients. In this profession, we invest a considerable amount of time with our clients in the privacy of their homes, which can be intimidating. My clients often become akin to family, and maintaining strong relationships with them, as well as with industry professionals, naturally fosters business growth. 

DC: How do you persevere through the tough times? 

HD: Having launched my business in 2020, we have not been immune to tough times. Starting a business during the pandemic was both challenging and rewarding. For myself, I have found it exceptionally challenging at times to find the balance between work and self-care. As a busy wife and mother, finding that equilibrium is daunting. It's also easy to get overwhelmed feeling like every single thing I have to do is urgent. This year, I've shifted my methods to work at a steady, but not frantic pace because I have found that creativity does not thrive under stress. The most successful projects are those that permit me to engage fully in the creative process, coupled with client relationships that have faith in that process. 

DC: What do you want to achieve next? 

HD: Presently I'm working on quite a few exciting projects. We love working in Westchester and would like to expand our clientele in this area. We are also servicing multiple states and the NYC Metro area. I'm thrilled to currently be renovating a Central Park West apartment. It's been rewarding to see my vision come to life from start to finish. I would like to work more with architects and builders in the area on new builds. We understand that building a home from the ground up is an overwhelming endeavor. Hiring a professional designer, architect, and contractor makes the process enjoyable for clients. We love being a part of making their dreams a reality.

DC: What are your tips for growing a company? 

HD: Interior Design is part of the service industry, but it's also a sector that requires a great deal of creative thinking and organizational skills. There are a lot of moving parts that go into designing a person's home. When I first started my own business, I found myself taking on every client that came my way, which inevitably wasn’t always the right course. So my tip is to interview your clients the way they're interviewing you and your company. Choosing to work with clients who align with your personality and vision, allows you to create a better working relationship. Building strong professional relationships is advantageous when striving to establish a sustainable company. 

  • Michele Zipper & Deb Ross: The Well Center
  • Angela Fiammetta: Angela Fiammetta Art
  • Njomeza Rugova: MDRN Design House
  • Caitlin Polcastro: Nusoma Health
  • Kelly Lapadula: House of Ambiance
  • Heather Dibble: Heather Dibble Interiors