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Ted Kedzierski

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Lady and Gentlemen

The Mayors of Grosse Pointe

Sheila Tomkowiak, Mayor, City of Grosse Pointe

 1. What measures is the City taking to ensure our safety? 

 In the City of Grosse Pointe, our top priority is the safety and security of all community members — including our staff. Our residents have been incredibly patient and resilient as we have had to reduce services due to safety concerns and to comply with state regulations.

Although we were required to close City offices and public spaces, critical services — police, fire, emergency dispatch, water, and garbage/recycling collection — continued uninterrupted. Where possible, we have used technology to enable residents and employees to interact safely. Our newly launched website,, allows residents to pay bills online and obtain information on City services. It also has an extensive coronavirus section, updated regularly, with the latest information on regulations and recommendations.

At the time of this writing, we are working on new procedures as more community spaces open up. We will, of course, take extra precautions such as cleaning and sanitizing public spaces as needed and continue to comply with all federal, state, and county regulations.

2. Do you have an inspirational story that you would like to share?

Community groups and individuals have stepped up to support local businesses and thank our public safety officers, public works employees, health care professionals, and other essential workers who have put themselves on the line for all of us.

The City’s Grosse Pointe Boat Club with support from the City of Grosse Pointe Foundation raised enough funds to deliver hundreds of meals from locally owned restaurants to the City’s first responders, essential workers, and medical personnel at Henry Ford-Cottage and Beaumont Grosse Pointe. The club also provided food vouchers for workers at grocery and drug stores.

One Grosse Pointe City resident ordered lunch from The Little Club for every City employee. And a Shores resident sent a generous check to the City, earmarked as a staff thank-you. It’s been inspiring to see people responding to this crisis with compassion, grace, and creativity. It is clear that we are all in this together.

 3. What can we do as residents to help?

 At the outset of the pandemic, I said that I had complete confidence that our residents would work together, take the appropriate precautions, and support one another through this crisis. I have not been disappointed. The relatively low number of cases in the City of Grosse Pointe demonstrates that our community has made the difficult but necessary adjustments to weather this storm. Our residents continue to make me proud to be a member of this community.

We need that spirit to continue. Because make no mistake, the aftermath of this crisis will be tough. All indications are that reopening the economy will be slow and that recovery will take awhile. With revenues down all across the state, our municipal budgets are going to be stretched tight — yet again. But I am confident we will weather this. The City of Grosse Pointe successfully managed revenue drops during the Great Recession by adapting quickly and being creative in our problem solving. We’ve taken that same approach now and will continue to do so going forward.

If we all continue to be understanding, patient, and resilient, our community will, I am sure, come out of this stronger than ever.

Robert E. Novitke, Mayor, City of Grosse Pointe Woods

1. What measures is the City taking to ensure our safety? 

Our City has taken numerous measures to attempt to protect our residents, employees and the general public, including educating our employees in the appropriate manner in which to interact with our residents and the general public, both in routine and emergency situations; restricting access to playscapes or other areas prone to contamination; encouraging our residents, through our website and e-blasts, to utilize appropriate social distancing and protective measures; upon opening of our City Hall plans to utilize screening at our counter area, installation of hand sanitizer stations, and providing masks for those entering without such; and continuing development of COVID-19 strategies, as well as coordinating such actions with the other Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods communities.

2. Do you have an inspirational story that you would like to share? 

It is always inspiring to see how others assist in a time of need, which has been reflected by our community's receipt of face masks, free COVID-19 testing for 1st responders and a check for 1000 dollars received from a doctor in Grosse Pointe Shores on behalf of the "Indian Community of Grosse Pointe".

 3. What can we do as residents to help?

Our residents can assist by following the appropriate social distancing and protective guidelines, keeping informed through the City's web site and e-blasts, and being mindful that this is not a time for panic, but it is a time for caution.

Ted Kedzierski, Mayor, City of Grosse Pointe Shores

1. What measures is the City taking to ensure our safety?

During the lock down, our city building has been closed to the general public and we have encouraged email or phone correspondence. On May 19, we will be initiating an open voice conference call for the purpose of discussing adoption of a budget.

Our park remains open for fresh air and use of marina but our restrooms are closed as are the tennis courts and tot lot.

We are still planning on opening our pool with limited hours Memorial weekend.

Our PSO  and DPW continue to execute their jobs with the same commitment and professionalism.

Our PSO self tests for temperature at each shift change.

As an added measure, one  of our innovative officers has used an inexpensive paint sprayer to routinely sanitize the squad cars, ambulance and station.

The DPW are also temperature screened at the beginning of each shift, and when necessary, wear masks and gloves.

2. Do you have an inspirational story that you would like to share? 

Just prior to the mandatory shutdown in Mid March, the lead of our DPW, Brett Smith, complained of chest pain while at the city office and our PSO immediately recognized it as heart attack, administered necessary stabilization care and promptly transported him to the hospital.  Their quick response likely saved his life. Brett is back at work today.

3. What can we do as residents to help? 

During these unprecedented times, we ask our residents to be patient while May events are cancelled or rescheduled. We ask them to continue to practice social distancing and most importantly, look after their most vulnerable or senior neighbors.

Louie Theros, Mayor, City of Grosse Pointe Farms

1. What measures is the City taking to ensure our safety?

From the beginning we have been doing everything we can to keep our employees healthy so they can continue to fully serve our residents safely.  We have a nominal staff at City Hall with most employees working from home.  All of the City’s first responders have been tested for the virus and presence of antibodies.  Our employees wear masks when resident facing.  We are following CDC guidelines on social distancing, hygiene, etc. and checking employees as they arrive for each shift for any of the tell-tale symptoms of the virus. We also are running on split shifts so in the event someone needs to be quarantined it doesn’t impact an entire shift. 

2. Do you have an inspirational story that you would like to share.

There are so many stories it would be difficult to parse out just one.  The outpouring of support for our first responders and other City employees has been inspiring:  meals from restaurants and the private clubs; masks, gloves, hand sanitizer donated by businesses and residents; homemade masks donated to our DPW workers; inspirational messages written in chalk on the apron of the fire department; lawn signs of support throughout the community.  Just an awesome response from our residents.

3. What can we do as residents to help?  

They have already done so much.  I’d simply ask that they not live in fear.  It’s okay to be conscientious and care but we can get through this if we all do our part.  Go out safely.  Wear masks as appropriate.  Think of others, especially those most vulnerable to this virus.  Follow all CDC guidelines, especially as the state begins to reopen.  And I certainly hope that our residents do their part to support our local businesses as they reopen.  They will need our support.   

Robert W. Denner, Mayor, City of Grosse Pointe Park

1. What measures is the City taking to ensure our safety

Consistent with the governor's guidelines, all city facilities with the exception of open spaces in our parks have been closed.  First responders have also developed protocols to keep both our residents and themselves safe.  As the crisis eases, there is coordination across the Pointes to develop safety protocols for new ways to conduct business and open facilities while keeping everyone as safe as possible.

 2. Do you have an inspirational story that you would like to share?

There are many stories that reinforce what a terrific community we all have, as many have found creative ways to boost morale and help each other while observing social distancing.  These range from a 'silly walk zone' in front of a resident's house, neighbors greeting each other from their own yards and a public safety vehicle parade to recognize a birthday, to donations of PPE, the selflessness of our health care professionals, the dedication of other essential workers and volunteers helping seniors get meals.

 3. What can we do as residents to help?
The most important thing we can all do is to respect this virus and respect the people around us.  Practice social distancing and observe safety protocols to keep us all safe.  This is particularly important as we begin to open up our businesses and our community, while we learn new ways to keep safe and begin a new normal way of carrying on our lives.  We have a wonderful community, and I have the greatest confidence in our residents.