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Letter to Younger Me

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Article by Kiara Smith, Regina Kolarchick and Julie Flores

Photography by Simran Bajwa

Originally published in Troy City Lifestyle

Dear Younger Regina,

Your life at times will have twists and turns, but you will always be successful with a smile on your face. It was instilled by your parents that education is one of the most important priorities in life, knowledge is power, and silence is acceptance so speak up! You will instill this into your own children and will be a fierce advocate for helping others along the road of life as well. You are a strong, independent soul who at times will need to learn that it is OK to ask for help!

You are a natural-born leader and connector. People are naturally drawn to you, and your kind soul will help anyone who asks. Remember, people are either a blessing or a lesson. Let go of the people who are a lesson, take what you learned from them, and keep moving along on your journey through life. People change. Life constantly changes.

Remember, stay true to yourself and your beliefs. There's no one quite like you in this world. Stay strong and remember to take opportunities when they come your way.

Love Your Future Self,

Regina Kolarchick

Schluter & Hughes Law Firm (

Hey Love, I hope you know that you're the author of your own story.

Here are a few things you’ll need to know as you navigate through life.

Number one, you are worthy of all great things – it’s your birthright. Two, when amazing things happen, don’t second guess it or anticipate the worst (life gets better). Three, stay true to yourself. Being a sweet girl with boundaries will always be the vibe.

Take your time with decisions and let no one rush you. Don't fight for relationships – attract them. Blessings will show up as a no, or as heartbreak and failures. Be prepared for everything you prayed for. God’s timing is impeccable.

Lastly, take up space and do it big!

Kiara Smith

Fresh & Pressed Juice (

Little girl,

you are in for such a wonderful life. You will have many trials. You will lose those close to you way too early. But that will teach you to love while you can. Nothing is more important than the people in your life!   

Be patient with others. Pay attention to your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right – take a step back and reassess. Give others grace when needed but pay attention to their patterns. 

Know that your parents love you very much even when they are strict with you. You will travel all over the world. Swim with stingrays and watch whales leap out of the water with pure joy. Save for the future BUT enjoy the time you have on this earth. 

Julie Flores

For Your Benefit Marketing (

"Stay true to yourself. There's no one quite like you in this world."

"You are worthy of all great things – it’s your birthright."