What is the best advice for starting a fitness journey in 2023?
It is much easier to achieve your health and fitness goals with a community of like-minded individuals pushing you to succeed rather than going at it alone. Our mission at F45 is to provide sustainable, life-changing results in a fun, inclusive environment. The hardest part is walking through the front doors. We take care of everything else - individualized strength and conditioning programming, nutritional guidance, goal setting and tracking.
David Ford, Multi-Studio Owner
The best way to start a fitness journey is to jump in, knowing you are not alone. The same kind of bond that soldiers have with the people they serve with is the same type of experience that clients get with F45. Whether it's suffering through a cardio class on a Monday or hitting some heavy lifting on a Thursday, you will never be alone in the struggle. We challenge our clients to dig in and see what they are made of.
Head Coach Dustin, F45 Training Memorial Houston
Identify your support system filled with those willing to uplift, encourage and hold you accountable. Establish your why so you have something to get you through when you want to quit. Develop a plan that includes your new goals and keep it simple, from your food to your activity. Track your progress by taking pictures and measurements. Celebrate yourself to keep motivated to reach future goals.
From Head Coach VK, F45 Training Energy Corridor
To change your life and get the best results in 2023, I recommend avoiding strict diets and plans that don't allow for flexibility. Temporary diets and programs lead to temporary results that don't last. Make small changes you can consistently stick with long-term because even the best plan will only work with long-term consistency. F45's expert-formatted classes offer everything you need to see significant progress and stay motivated.
Erin Berger, RDN, LN, CPT
If you're going to be successful on your fitness journey, you must begin by deciding that you're going to make changes to your daily life. Starting a new lifestyle begins with a commitment to yourself. Secondly, surround yourself with like-minded people. Continuously working out with people in that mindset will help eliminate excuses. It is vital to work with highly skilled fitness instructors who will help educate, motivate and hold you accountable at all times.
Brandon Buckner, ATC, CPT